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Posts posted by EQUAL_IBRIUM

  1. Wow there have been a few replies, haha. Thanks guys! Means a lot.

    And to the people who think they remember me you may. I used to play a year ago ish but there used to be an idiot with the same name as me so dont confuse me with him. His name was spelt the proper way tongue.png

  2. This is why I usually just post nonsense because people are soooo determined they are right even when they have no experience.

    LOL. It is called common sense. As I said, I explained the science. He can google it if he wants. I felt that since I am experienced in fitness and weight lifting, I would tell him it is not right. But of course he feels the need to defend his friend, when he himself is not doing it.

    First statement clearly explains yourself, you legit look like you're talking out of your ass. Please explain the logic of him googling it when you provided it, does that mean you can hand in a paper when in college/university without any citations/sources? Yes, you can say "lawl dis is de internet nat college/university" but it's the same concept. You just look ignorant.

  3. Oh well I tried. I lost interest in this conversation keep telling your friends to keep smoking before and after. I told you to go look it up if you want. Since I studied this, I recalled the sources, but in no way care enough to search through them and link you each credible source. Like I said it is the wrong way and it is not a tenth of a difference. It is a pretty high percentage change between not smoking and smoking. It is almost common sense, but you seem to just be determined to go against that. Oh well I still think you either chose not to read it or it went over your head.

    Oh well that was my good deed for the year, trying to help someone help their friend learn to work-out. Back to my usual nonsense post.

    Not backing up what you claim makes you look like an idiot. Just saying.

  4. Hey! I used to be a part of the community and play the servers a while ago, like a year or something. Idk if I have to re-apply or anything but I'm back :). I recognize a few people, I don't know if anyone remembers me.

    anyways hi!

  5. okay then, then change it, tell him to unmute you then prove it .

    If he doesn't unmute you just tell me and i'll come and ask him to .

    I don't see why you would be a CT and know you can't talk, it makes no sense really .

  6. Yes he should have . It says in the MOTD that if an admin asks you to talk on your mic to prove that you have one, and you don't talk, he has every right to restrict you .

    If you think that's unfair then just stop playing jb lol, or get a mic .

  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_countries_on_earth Other official lists.

    On an aside, is there a reason why you space punctuation away from the wording?

    Eh, dojima, that's a list of information on a certain subject about countries . The only one that i can find is the sovereignty one . I'm just done fucking arguing with you because it's pointless, no one can change your fucking mind ... :X

    And yeah, that's a habit from French punctuation with question marks . And i do it with periods .

  8. LOL, so you don't consider Taiwan a country? Racist.

    The short lists are compiled by places with political agendas, aka China not wanting the international community to recognize Taiwan as another country. I don't think anyone would argue with the fact that countries recognized by the Olympics are actual countries. This filters out non countries like Antarctica. Even that list contains 205 countries.

    In short, it's equivocal no doubt, but the vast majority of lists show that there are over 200 countries. Canadians, being the neutral people that they are, choose to acknowledge this truth. ...well, most Canadians.

    Majority ? Where's this majority ?

    And again, can you read ?

    This annex lists states that claim sovereignty and have control over (part of) their claimed territories, but due to disputes over their legitimacy, do not have normal diplomatic relations with the majority of sovereign states. None of the states in this annex list are UN member states. Entities considered to be micronations are not included.

    Their legitimacy has yet to be proven .

    Oh and how the fuck does the Olympics have anything to do with making a country official ? Last time i checked it was a competition ...

    Canadians, being the neutral people that they are, choose to acknowledge this truth. ...well, most Canadians.

    You know Canadians are sooo neutral . Siding with the terrorists and the people who don't wanna destroy industrialized countries .

  9. hahaha, I mean that I preempted that you'd show that link 100 years ago. And as far as you need to be concerned, dependent territories and special areas blah blah are countries.

    Let me also direct you to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_countries_on_earth.

    Nowhere on the page will you find a list that's less than 200. Sorry. :(

    You're quote proved me right bud, thanks . They're not using "or" to say that a country can be called a territory ... Nor are they saying that they are "Special geographical areas", again read what you post ... it says geographical area not special geographical area .

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states, i highly suggest you real the first and second part and read the words CAREFULLY . The first 193 are known and widely recognized sovereign states while the other 10 claim to have sovereignty .

  10. hahaha, preempted 100 years ago. Next time use a more authoritative source instead of the first link Google provides you with. Also try reading something that wasn't written 8 months ago.


    Preempted 100 years ago? Where the fuck do you see that ?

    And you know, wikipedia is such a good source compared to google .

    Also please read what you post ...

    ISO 3166-1 is part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest.

    ISO 3166-1 is not a list of countries, it's countries, dependent territories and "special areas of geographical interest" ... dumbass .

  11. lol tbh samm I sorta understand what you mean.

    Only thing you have is Emancipation, but that's not worth the shit. Just ride out the stupid shit until your 18, and try to rent an apartment with your friends or something.

    Thiss .

    I've attempted many times to get emancipated but never fully succeeded due to parents getting in the way . One day it will happen :) .

    I say go for it if you don't wanna live at home :P

  12. The community is fine. Stop QQing. It wasn't almost fucked over. It has been way more close to the end than this.

    Does it seem like i'm QQing ?

    And sure it was, if you didn't notice it was like 7 staff who left ? Hmm iunno but I think those seven people were pretty important, or do you want to say their jobs were jokes .

    Whether the clan was close to being fucked over or not it was partly your fault, and not apologizing to the people it may have affected is a very dick move, even if you acknowledge what happened or not .

  13. I acknowledge what I did wrong. I just won't write an apology.

    So you know that you did something wrong but you're not sorry you almost fucked over the community ?

    Cold-hearted , glad you got the boot because I would've never trusted you with my money .

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