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Posts posted by EQUAL_IBRIUM

  1. Hey! Good idea! Let's move the box somewhere else. It would take a few days downtime, and then when it comes back online, all servers will be using DIFFERENT IPS! Yay! All servers lose their rank on GameTracker and they are no longer on anyones favorite server list. Population of servers would die. Admin subscriptions would die. Funds would die. Bye bye clan.

    I - Love - You

  2. ^I really don't even know what to say to that. I mean...do you ever play with people who have played for more than a few months? I don't know about you, but I've been playing for 9 years. Shooting that area, ESPECIALLY after someone just threw a grenade from up there is not at all noteworthy.

    Yeah you've really been playing CS:S for 9 years when it came out in 2004 right ? ...

  3. And yet you could never explain that screenshot that I posted in the other thread...yes, CLEARLY not hax.

    He tends not to give information and claims he's right, if you haven't noticed lol .

  4. A stick? Manual?

    If the cars in question were manual you could just put the vehicle in neutral. You can't do that in the automatic vehicles because they have a neutral lockout, meaning that when the vehicle is in motion, you can't put the vehicle in neutral. Same as if you have a newer model car, you can't put the vehicle in gear unless your foot is on the brake.

    Yeah I meant those cars lawl . ( shows how much I know about cars, eh ? )

    And oh lol

  5. haha, you guys are no different than me by claiming you're right. Only difference is, I'm not claiming I'm right. You're the ones making that determination for yourselves and about me.

    And I don't post back because there's no point. I'm not getting into a shit fight with people I don't care about. It's beneath me.

    Actually no, were right because we know what were talking about and have experience and facts to back it up . Your wrong because you have no experience, knowledge, or facts about the subject and just claim you're right .

  6. What have you been right about? Everything I've discussed with you, you've been 100% wrong about, so what, huh? Right 98% of the time?


    Same here he's been wrong about everything . And when he knows he's wrong he just doesn't post back rofl . He claims he knows everything about computers and denies the fact that other people are hecka more smart than him .

  7. Who won? I was confused because my roomates upstairs are russian but they were cheering for canada when they scored and its hard to tell who won when women don't understand who to cheer for so they cheer for both teams?

    Canada won 3-7

  8. We can get a couple people in Vent and host a Podcast 17 kinda deal where we just chit chat about shit and stream it over the radio. I call dibs on being the loud annoying guy.

    LOL , I calls a spot as well :)

  9. Lol are you completely oblivious to the fact that this is all actually just a conspiracy? I mean, c'mon dude, use your head. Millions of people intentionally accelerate into objects and people everyday. Hell, even I do. Only in this case, they blamed it all on Toyota. They do it because Toyota isn't American and they're stealing potential revenue from US auto companies.


    Exactly my thought .


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