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Posts posted by EQUAL_IBRIUM

  1. It's very annoying and ghetto-girl like.

    Are you a ghetto girl?

    lol nawh . It's just a habit from typing in french . ( They use a space before exclamation marks, but i got hooked on using a space before periods as well )

  2. For people with a fucked up sense of morality, religion can help shape them more towards a more positive member of society. As with all things though, too much (i.e., zeal) can be detrimental... a shining example being Fred Phelps.

    That's not to say atheists/agnostics can't find their own means of becoming positive members of society, but some people just can't take ownership of their actions themselves and need to feel like there's an almighty judge watching down on them that will send them to hell if they do bad things.

    Touché my friend .

  3. And, agian, I say: Good luck trying. It's not going to happen. Dude, you've made how many posts? Once you're here long enough, you'll understand.

    Eh you can never solve anything without trying . But yeah i understand where you're coming from. I've dealt with many many servers, including my retired ones and others .

  4. Good luck trying lol.

    Well , i'm not saying the whole world , i'm just saying this community .

    I'm not trying to be a freedom writer here , all i'm saying is that homophobic threads or posts should be kept to a minimum because of all the places this should be one of the last places people have to deal with their "differences" compared to others, weather it's race or sexuality .

  5. Sorry Karma, gonna agree with Equilibrium; he's not telling people who disagree with him to get the fuck out, he's telling the bigots that they need to grow up and learn to tolerate people different from them.

    CC90 wasn't a bitch when he wasn't preaching his Nazi ideals; what Equilibrium is asking, I believe, is just some semblance of tolerance on the forums. Examples of particularly distasteful remarks would be Kelso's "Hang em all" and Switchblades's "All gay people deserve to be insulted."

    Saying homophobic shit used to be against the rules, but we got lax in issuing infractions for it.

    Thank you :)

  6. Actually, I never once said "eww girl cooties" when I was little. I was a pretty open minded child. :D

    Anyways, we weren't being immature. Maybe someone in the first billion pages was, I don't know. I didn't read the entire thing.

    I was trying to direct it to the people who base their opinion on the way they perform intercourse .

  7. Didn't seem so calm to me. That's not how you debate things maturely, by telling people who don't believe what you believe to gtfo.

    Can you read again ? I'm not telling people to think how i think, i'm telling them to have some maturity .

    Just how people ( maybe you ) said eww girl cooties when you were little . Now you wouldn't say that because you are more mature than you were when you were 5 .

  8. lol I think you're the one that needs to calm down.

    I'm perfectly calm dude . Caps was mean't for re-enactments .

    But i am pretty sure that runs through people's mind every time they hear the word gay *the homophobic ones* .

  9. Hey guys !

    Well i know intros can be corny sometimes, but, HERE WE GO ! .

    My name is Jacob . I'm not legal so don't get your hopes up . I enjoy , uhm , mcdonalds *err' day !* but i'm not fatt, and ZOMBIE ESCAPEEEEEEE ! . But yeahh , partying is a hobby to ya know .

    Anyways , ill be on the ZoMbIe RuN server . ,

    Talk to y'all ingame .,

  10. People need to chill out a bit IMO .

    If you were a gay man that happened to waltz into the forum and want to become a part of the community, do you think he would stay if he saw all the blatant hate put toward the sexuality he is ? I mean it is "your opinion" but you don't have to ignorantly say "GOD DAMNED FAGGOT FATHERFUCKERS" to get your point across .

    In my opinion love is love . If you say "OMG GAYS TAKE IT UP THE ASS THATS SO GROSS" grow the fuck up and take your childish point of view somewhere else .

    “A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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