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Posts posted by Bowser

  1. Let's hope its true for your sake lol. Better to beleive then be subjected too whats maybe going to happen soon.

    Jus Sayin

    Rofl. If a space wizard does come down from the heavens to pick 500million people to chill with him in heaven, I'd definitely be picked.

    I am Master league after all. Top 5% BABY!

  2. Okay I normally don't make threads like this promoting the shit I watch. But honestly If you've ever watched an anime you should really make the effort to watch

    Puella Magi Madoka Magica.


    To quote wiki.

    'There exist strange creatures who have the power to grant one wish to a chosen girl. However, in exchange, that girl must then become a Puella Magi, a girl with magical powers, and fight against witches, evil creatures born from darkness that are responsible for murders and suicides. In the city of Mitakihara, a schoolgirl named Madoka Kaname and her friend Sayaka Miki are approached by a familiar named Kyubey, who offers to grant them each one wish in return for making them Puella Magi.'

    The TLDR version:

    Basically Magical girls for 2011 but with more awesome.


    Download this shit. So fucking good.

  3. I'm master league and I can't beat insane AIs easily. Tbh if you really don't want to get placed in bronze. Learn one build and make sure you macro well. So say if youre terran learn 3 rax stim timing rush and just do that everygame with good macro. That'll make you plat-diamond easily.

  4. Heh. Lurking =/= leaving. Also, not trollbait. I'm still waiting for that civil discussion, if you ever decide to unblock me on Xfire.

    Church's logos are tits as fuck. By far the best I've seen. They would work in to the existing design the easiest, they aren't tryhard and they are perfectly simplistic.

    Youre opinion is wrong ;)

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