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Thot Walk

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Posts posted by Thot Walk

  1. Most of everyone whos been playing on sG Vanilla have wanted new maps added, especially since the dissapearance of Mineshaft. Yesterday, Zach finally added a new map to take Mineshaft's spot (I really hope they fix that map btw, I miss it with all my heart). I can't remember the name of the map, but it's a giant volcanoe island map. It's a little big for my taste, but it's still a good map. Just have to figure my way around the map, learn where all the T traps are, and learn where to find all the Shotty's and Deagles.


    To sum it up, it looks like the minecraft b5 map with a volcanoe and a few other things added to it.

  2. Its been a while since I last posted in the forums. But I think this should be bought to everyones attention. A few days ago some speed hackers decided to join sG vanilla. I banned both of them and had ZachPL extend their bans to permanent bans.


    After i banned them, i was kicked from the server by an unknown entity, with the reason "LOL FAGGOT!"


    I've never seen a hacker with the ability to control Admins/Staff with commands like that. Me and Zach investigated to see if we could find out the person who was responsible for it, but we had no luck.


    I love sG TTT Vanilla and Customs with all my heart. And I'd be so heart broken to see them fall victim to hackers such as these.



  3. I know that SOs have more power over regular admins (I plan on becoming an SO some day), but why can we only ban for up to 360 minutes? A lot of mass rdmers like to get on this server, and SOs/Staff arent on that very often. And a six hour ban doesnt seem to fit the punishment for Mass RDM/Leave.

  4. No new weapons will ever be added to TTT Vanilla. We want to keep downloads to an absolute minimum, and at most, we would add new Minecraft maps.I

    I Thot (Wink!) weapons like the mp5 and ak47 werent downloads. If they are, than we can just stick to the weapons we already have!

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