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Posts posted by Bluestreakid15

  1. Throw away Surf RPG and make a second BHOP map! /s 


    In all reality, I'm not opposed to this idea. There are multiple people who enjoy the easier maps, and there are multiple people who like more of a challenge.



    With that being said, we would be splitting a server with a *current* population average of about 15, to two servers with approx. 7 players a piece. Logistically, I don't think that is a very smart idea.. plus more servers = more $$$. If you really wanted to do a donor / VIP only server, the fee would have to be enough to get the server running, and then we would have to maintain the cost between a select few "VIPs"

  2. I'm gonna name of some animes, the top is my all time favorite, going to second favorite and so on.


    Sword Art Online is a 12/10 if you like fighting style, "Video game" anime, it is such a good watch

    Suzuka is a good slice-of-life anime, but you have to follow it up with Fuuka, which is the sequel 

    Citrus! (Lesbian step-sisters) 10/10

    Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? ("And you thought there was never a girl online?") Great ecchi, also surrounding video games

    One-Punch man is hilarious.

    7 deadly sins is pretty funny 

    My hero academia is pretty top notch 



    Can you see a trend in what kind of anime I like?

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