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Posts posted by badbie

  1. I would also like a bhop server, but it would get my point across better if i memed it:




    dont you dare take my bhop from me :( hahaha i still play on there alot. and csgo just doesn't have the mechanics for it anymore!


    as for a kz server i would love that! i have several friends who play kz just allllll day. they would switch to sg kz if we had one.


     It would also help the server tremendously if we had mappers making custom maps for the server, but we don't really have a person in the community that make surf maps for us.


    see how it is </3 hahaha i am working on a de map right now but ill be back to surf after that ;)


    anyways in all seriousness. as much as i would love a skill surf it would just die prety hard. i know most in the community who would play a skill surf and its not many. tbh we have alot of the skillsurf maps on server already... i think that if there are enough people who want to skill surf we should have an event for it. for a short time have an admin get on the rpg surf server and set a skillsurf map to run. wont have a timer and play damage would have to be turned off but would be a good way to see the scale of interest for it.

  2. on the dust two map with the c bombsite. there is an apartments area that runs parallel with long a. in the apartments there are a set of crates. we kept getting stuck on them. couldn't crouch out of them or anything



  3. was messing around on war3 tonight and in between rounds i wanted to quickly swap to a race i haven't finished yet. its pretty easy to spot which dont have levels and whatnot but the round ended and i needed to pick something fast. ended up picking something i already had maxed. thought occurred to me that this system needs to be made more lazy! 




    long story short slightly discolored for races u have maxed. i went with orange cause in my head i was thinking.. hmm might look good... and it does! lol anyways just a suggestion. if it doesn't work out then no big deal.

  4. hey so gunna ask my question here since this thread is basically on the topic im interested in..


    so two nights i was playing on war3 and i was bitching about how i forgot to buy a wish (im pretty good about always doing so but there are those times) anyways some low level kid...i guess im low level too but this kid looked like he had only played a day or so.. hes all like just put the auto buy wish command in. thought he was joking at first so i put in what he said.. surprisingly enough it auto bought a wish every round. then i went to bed and forgot all about it.. was playing again today and tried soo many times to guess the command to no luck. asked many people and they had never heard of such a thing, tho they were excited about it and wanted me to tell them if i ever figure it out again.. anyways came on here to seek the wisdom of the forums and i found this thread... i am beyond confuse since i know the auto buy command worked however this thread leads me to believe there is no auytobuy. i guess my question is. is there an auto buy and what is the command for it. if there isnt an auto buy then.....well lol it needs to be added 


    if it doesnt exsist (yet) face has the absolut best solution right here for it!


    The best option IMO is a buy always and buy never command such as the !autobuywish_always and !autobuywish_never


    This allows the player to bind a key as such:

    alias "tomebuy1" "say !autobuywish_always; bind KP_MINUS tomebuy2"
    alias "tomebuy2" "say !autobuywish_never; bind KP_MINUS tomebuy1"
    bind KP_MINUS tomebuy1
    This allows players to press a key to turn auto purchases on and off and eliminates essentially all issues related to guns etc, as it is a toggle autobuy key.
    Less coding, lots of utility, up to the player to toggle on and off when needed.




    ADHD version: is there an auto buy? what is the command for it? if there isnt... pls add one!!!

  5. so of all of sg i am the only one who populates the infinity mine craft server.. i am on there almost every day. and i dont see that changing. on our infinity server there are sooo many mods.. i guarantee all of those who played large amounts of time on there barely scratched the surface. ive been playing minecraft since alfa and its probably the only game i have that i have more playtime in the csgo.. imo its one of the best games ever made. (coming from a guy who thought the idea was stupid before trying it) anyways if u do get it hmu and i can show u all the mods we got running on infinity (if u don't plan on running vanilla.)

  6. no to tdm... noone wants that.....the hungergames server sounds interesting. never played on one myself but i he seen a video of it and looks like something i would wana try and would definitely be more inclined to do so if it was one by this community....as for the 24/7 office. well i am for that 100% as it is now i go on css every night for my favorite 24/7 office... i like it because people treat it as a really casual social place. a great way to meet new people and relax.

  7. some of my friends have been bugging me because i know what all the trails look like...so to get them off my back i compiled a list here.......i don't know if all of these are sg trails... but the names are underneath so pick the one u like and look it up on the store in game :)




    I suggest downloading the image and viewing it in a photo view that allows hd zoom. my Google chrome doesn't handle zooming in well :/



    anyways.....my one complaint...having seen all of them together like this.... there are to many logo trails and not enough seamless trails. the blue lightning is easily the best...(i like thin seamless trails i guess)


    soo yah hope this was helpful to anyone! :)

  8. Well... i hate to be the one to complain...but i used to get an average latency of 60 to 90 on the old host....now it ranges from 110 to 220 jumping constantly. haven't seen it below 100 yet. this is odd since i live in southern California making the new host way closer. this is incredibly disappointing to me :( im not going to give up right away (this is just way to good of a community, with very friendly people to do that) however if it doesn't change for me in the future.......well it just inst playable.....i will keep an eye on it over the next week and cross my fingers! 

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