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Posts posted by DMatakami

  1. Not gonna lie, I only have two major reasons as to why i want Rust:


    1.) I don't have it currently.


    2.)I'd like to help Karma since it seems that her group is plagued by the Trump group who have gone out of their way to attack their base (including using dray to sit in teamspeak and wait for karma to get off before launching an attack on their base.).


    There's also a social aspect to it as well, but who socializes these days?

    Other than that, not a whole lot to it other than sG being the main reason why i want it.

  2. So I thought I'd throw this idea out there. I think it'd be cool if sG had a community pool where we can place unused skins to be checked out by other members. Records of who the skin belongs to would be kept obviously. Skin theft would be prevented by requiring it to be sG members, detailed records, and a requirement of putting skins of equal value to the ones you're checking out in the pool. Good way for people to get and experiment with skins with no financial cost


    As much as I like the idea, that's not gonna work for a number of reasons.


    1.) skin theft (as mentioned)


    2.) Valve implemented a system in which any csgo item that is traded, sold or otherwise moved in their system, there is a 7 day hold in place until that item can be moved again. That alone means that all skin rentals would be at a week minimum. No one is going to like that sort of thing especially when you get to high level things.


    3.) Keeping extensive records would mean that we'd likely have to submit Steam ID, have screens of all of the exchange, present relevant emails (Valve has also introduced this to prevent scamming), and on top of that we'd have to set up a way to go through Valve on such endeavors should a theft occur. I'm pretty sure Valve would not be okay with this idea simply as it's too much of a liability for them and it puts sG in a bad position as a middle man of sorts.


    What should likely be discussed, is finding a way for us to use texture files to replicate skins on guns, and these guns should be unlocked by using in server credits. We solve the financial cost and it keeps sG out of more fires.


    Only problem being that someone needs to properly code it, and i'm not sure if this plugin would prevent case and weapon drops. There would have to be a lot of testing to see if that is the case. Then we have the issue of how long it'll take to add new weapon sets or what weapons to cycle through as the menus would get complex as all heck in no time flat.


    But that's just me.

  3. Honestly, from what I have been seeing from JB more and more is that the game mode is completely broken. If we need admins or someone basically playing babysitter 24/7 then we may want to change how we can approach that mode.


    On to the original topic though, You need evidence for a ban or for really any kind of action. I've started a few threads for action or to document an action before, and every one I have made I have at least a screencap along with a steam id to go with.


    If a paidmin is abusing, you need to prove it. It's not for inconvenience, it's for documentation.

  4. The only way we'll be able to properly repopulate ze is if we go in and re optimize the +150mb maps. The only problem with this is that for some maps, we'll have to take out something (As much as I hate to say it, for Mako, we may want to move to see if removing the zm mode will fix it, besides zm mode was never played that much anyway.)

  5. Holy **** Sakaro, you ******* delivered. Not gonna lie that was pretty friggin funny. The only way this could have been better is if it was some random person cyber sexing cleverbot.


    Btw, so much cradle robbing happening here. 35 Year old woman and a 15 year old teen guy. Just saying.

  6. You guys are RUINING THIS FOR ME!@




    That aside, welcome to the forums SehLi. I hope you will try the zombie escape server sometime, it's a lot of fun.

  7. My name originally went after seeing an old as hell game called Vampire Hunter D (will get more into that later.). The last part "Matakami" was something i made up in some of the one shot stories I used to write and I thought it sounded japanese and rolled with it. (Literally I just went "Yeah, that sounds asian." when I typed it up and went with it. ((inb4 everyone attempts to call racism, I didn't even know what racism was at the time.)) )


    Back when I first discovered the great and vast network of the interwebs (and porn in general *cough* *cough*) I used the name DMatakami6 (i was stupid and thought you had to have a number at the end of your name to be on the internet) and over time I realized that I could just use D_Matakami or D Matakami and still get results.


    Then it started getting crazy when those one shots kinda started coming together in my head.* At this point I started just taking the name D Matakami and shortening it to DMatakami as it would then work on all internet accounts and it was never taken, I even had it in an email address and to this day still don't get spam even after that email was leaked during the PSN hack.


    *In fact I even went so far as to find requests and get lucky with some awesome pics. (as evidenced by this one which has now basically become my avatar for steam (Link) )


    As to the irony of it all, Matakami actually does mean something in japanese. It means either "God again" or "Paper God". And by the time I figured that out I already had basically claimed the name for myself across the internet. Now irl I prefer to go by my nickname "D" because of how fond I am of the name.


    Also, after finding that game some years down the road, I discovered it was actually based off an anime (which was based off a series of books.) and the badassery showed by D in the anime/game/books kinda spurred me trying to pay homage to it and eventually making something original.


    I also technically go by two other usernames but I prefer people to find those on their own.

  8. This is racism at its finest. People would make a decision solely on their skins. I dream of a world where everyone can just be brothas. Brothas by the bonds they've cultured not by their race but by their hearts. Change has already happened just look at our president he was chosen by his ideals not his skin and just look how far that got us.


    A healthcare system overhaul that screwed over many people who had insurance. And those that can't afford it still can't fully afford it.


    A man who won the nobel peace prize but immediately took credit for "effectively" killing Bin Laden the second it was found out.


    Yeah, great ideals there.


    Back on topic however.



    Yes [Community] + 1: Sakata (+1)

    Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: BRZ (+2)

    Yes [staff] + 3:  

    Abstain: Mata

    No [Community] - 1: Clarkus (-1)

    No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2: Faptastic (-2)

    No [staff] - 3:


    Hasn't been enough of a jerk to warrant it.

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