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Posts posted by Hay0ger.Tonee

  1. The main issue in the past was that certain members that were on staff that were adamant about not having a skill surf. I have been asked by staff to make this post to see community feedback after staff changes in the last 6 months-1 year.

    Well then Skill Surf would be a good idea in my mind, not for any community purposes but just for my opinion on liking Skill Surf and not liking Surf RPG as much

  2. I get on the server, I decided to read the motd to refresh myself on the TTT rules.


    I open it up..blah blah reading blah blah. 


    Then the next map starts, I close it and play the round.


    When I die I tried to open it back up to continue reading, then it wouldn't open when I typed "!motd" in chat.


    Mark tried to forcibly show me the rules but it still never popped up from their either.


    I waited till the new map to see if I should make this post or not, I saw the motd in the beginning when it shows you it when you press play and all that, then when I got in it wouldn't pop up from my "!motd" or when mark forcibly showed them to me, but the "!motd" would not come up in chat showing that it was recognized and marks command would even show the "Mark thinks that Hay0ger needs to read the rules.


    I don't know if i am the only one or if this was a persisting issue or not, I should thought I should report it.

  3. So back when i was playing in 1.6, there was a thing called pokemod. I'm not too sure if anyone else remembers but that shit was pretty fun, idk much info to help but if someone can find some info and try rebuilding a pokemod server, that would be epic.


    Assuming you are talking about minecraft, that mod was cancelled after about four patches. The best alternative which is quite fun is call PixelMon.



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