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Posts posted by Elsa

  1. Some slave owners in America called slaves "negers", when slavery was abolished people wanted to call them "colored" instead of negros/negers/niggers.

    It used to not be derogatory but abolitionists made statements about how the term "nigger" was offensive to colored people.

  2. Welcome to the forums Elsa.



    Just wondering, did you by chance happen to read Anthem? Is that why your name is usually Golden0ne?

    Nope, I've had the same username for about seven years.



    Welcome.  and again nice job with that american idol day!



    ty ty !

  3. Hey guys, I go by Elsa on Steam and I play sG's jailbreak mainly. My name for every game is usually Golden0ne (hence the Goldy.Elsa on my forum name.)

    I've met a lot of cool people on JB and hope to be active on the forums and get to know the whole sG community more : o)

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