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Posts posted by Llethander

  1. I could only last 10 seconds, I don't even know how I managed that.

    Can someone please explain the video for me, my pride permits me from viewing it.

    EDIT* grammatical error -drunk-

    Weaboo weight-loss dating sim.

    "Real fitness, virtual love."

  2. stuck at the surface. military guys are a bitch to fight and the artillery isnt helping either. this game is very impressive IMO. I like how the game uses unconventional ways to escape rooms, they make you feel trapped for a minute and then you feel clever when you discover "OH snap! I gotta climb that shit and get to that vent!"

    I kinda hope you're being sarcastic...

    These "methods" are anything BUT unconventional. Hell, back in the GOOD ol' days of FPS gaming things were WAY more complicated than this. You'd have to jump your way up to a narrow ledge, make your way across it, find the hidden button behind the sliding panel that doesn't look ANY different from the rest of the wall and then jump down and run as fast as you can to the equally camouflaged door before it closes and you have to do it all over again.

    Modern FPS game developers have, for some fucking reason, decided to throw away all of these mechanics that made the old FPS games so great. Gone are the days of exploration and having to figure out how to get from point A to point B. Instead we are spoon fed the same bullshit:

    Walk down narrow corridor A fighting wave after wave of useless peon to corridor B. At corridor B sit on the turret for 5 minutes mowing down wave after wave of useless peon. Once finished with the turret segment there will be an equally boring rail-shooter section where you barely have to look at the screen. Finally, hold this location against wave after wave of enemy.

    I would love to see the old-school Doom games or Duke Nukem 3D redone with modern graphics. That would be fucking awesome.

  3. Nope. They don't.

    Her W also doesn't properly prioritize her balls over minions. So, say you're trying to put some harass on an enemy champions standing near a minion wave while positioning the ball for a follow-up stun or even keeping it nearby for an ult. You drop your Q , hit your W to try and pick up the ball but end up grabbing the minion instead. Well fuck, there goes that idea.

  4. This is what I had to say about Syndra on the LoL forums.

    The bottom line is compared to other mages, her damage and utility require more skill for the same result. It's harder to achieve optimal damage and utility than, say, Annie who bursts and stuns. Different champions, different play styles, similar bottom lines (ie. Burst and stun) and grossly differing skill requirement. Ultimately when you play a high skill requirement champion you expect to be rewarded for that extra level of difficulty when you do something right and punished harder for messing up. The problem here is even when you do everything right it doesn't feel as rewarding because you're just doing what every basic AP mage does with ease.

  5. I'll have a first impressions video up about it some time Sunday/Monday. Spent yesterday downloading it while killing time on Guild Wars 2. I'm working today (Saturday) so no time today.

  6. Don't get me wrong, Paprika is a great movie with amazing visual quality, I'm not saying it's bad. It just seemed to me, at so many places, to be what I would expect a bad acid trip to be like.

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