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Posts posted by Llethander

  1. I can completely respect that, Dojima. /sagelynod

    I, on the other hand, will waste $120+ on a Collector's Edition that came with almost nothing to make it worth that and, subsequently, find out that the game is ass. Total ass. Complete with anal, fecal waste seeping through the cracks. Yeah...

    If you weren't sure, I'm talking about FFXIV 1.0. It was that bad. Really.

  2. Technically have to have a group "leader" and leadership e-mail for that which, since we technically have a board of directors (just felt like using that terminology), we don't have. Technically.

  3. All the pictures that we've seen are for the Dev kit. They know it's bulky and have plans to slim it down for the consumer release. It's also, supposedly, going to be relatively affordable and they're working on a solution to the motion sickness that many users suffer while using the Occulus Rift.

    Also, the company I currently work for is doing the tech support for the Occulus Rift devs. Kinda sad I wasn't able to get on that contract. :3

  4. A retiree was filmed gnawing at a young man's arm in a fight for a train seat in a subway in Guangzhou, Guangzhou Province yesterday morning.

    The 67-year-old man surnamed Chen scuffled with a 28-year-old teacher surnamed Wu around 8:30am over a seat, and Chen was seen biting Wu's arm for nearly 30 seconds, leaving blood stains on their faces and arms, an online video showed.

    In the 46-second footage, Wu huddled up in the seat to protect his head and dodge the old man's violent attack. No passenger in the car stepped forward to separate them. They just stood around to film the brawl.

    The two men were taken away by police after the train stopped at the next station. Their injuries were not serious and both agreed to pay their own medical costs, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported today.

    They expressed regret at the police station and were not detained.

    Wait, did I read that right?

    The two men were taken away by police after the train stopped at the next station. Their injuries were not serious and both agreed to pay their own medical costs, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported today.

    They expressed regret at the police station and were not detained.

    The fuck?

  5. http://www.huffingto..._n_1961527.html

    RTA saw the video posted on YouTube of the operator incident on October 11. Through the investigation, we believe the incident occurred on Sept. 18. Upon identifying the driver, he was immediately suspended and removed from duty. His behavior is absolutely unacceptable. RTA apologizes to our customers for this incident. A full investigation continues.

  6. I support that man. If she's gonna act tough and pick a fight she better be damn fucking ready to fight. I don't care if she is female, throwing the first punch is the same as legally consenting to a physical engagement.

    Bitch got laid out.

  7. I think the only problem with it was the mask looked like it was falling apart. The rest of the costume is actually - with the exception of the obvious button - pretty spot on.

    Well, yeah, besides having the wrong type of jacket, the suit color not matching the mask, the shirt collar looking like it doesn't fit, and doing a shit job of tying that tie.

    So actually no.


    Just wanted to point out that the suit colour DOESN'T match the mask. Your other points are quite valid.

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