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Posts posted by skitt

  1. Troll of tel-jilad:

    add either 20% speed and/or 50% gravity.

    (its almost mandatory to buy these 2 skills in shopmenu)

    Trickster assassin:

    Ulti Cooldown should be lowered.

    (can't imagine using the full arsenal of barrels.)

    maybe a damage increase.

    (It seems quite underpowered for such a high level race)


    needs more HP or damage.

    (it has got to be the least powerful race for how high the max is)

    Contract Killer:

    skill animations should be removed or invis should be upped to increase stealthness a bit.


    Increase restriction to 2 or 3 or higher maxxed level needed to play

    (As it is a new race, people want to play it, but it is very hard to enjoy when you cannot get on it most of the time.)

    Glockness Monster:

    I'm not sure what can be done to buff this race, but it cannot really compete with gun races in its current state.

    Hawk and Calthron

    Regen yourself!

    (no one plays this race. This may attract more players to play it.)


    pick 2 or 3 auras(ability cycle+ultimate cycle)

    (Siren's heals are quite sought after, but this poses the problem that all the other auras don't exactly get used ever. )


    sucks. Maybe add lj?

    And ofcourse, I hate the new race population restrictions, but eh. I don't see it changing.

    That concludes my suggestions. I haven't really played that many races on the server because all I do is whore, so my input is a bit limited until i try new races. I'd love to hear other's thoughts on any other races or opinions on what i have written. thanks.

  2. damaging skills are beginning to do damage to multiple players. It seems to be happening much more frequently now than it used to.

    example of this: stalker exploding teammates. troll crit knifing someone and killing 2-3 enemies and 2 teammates.

    I can confirm this is happening with troll and stalker as i witnessed it happening firsthand.

  3. 85 rogue on eonar. i PVE and PVP actively. I haven't dove into PVP that much, meaning i haven't learned all of the other classes skills or anything. On the PVE side of things, I plunked myself in a semi casual guild so i don't get sucked into the mmo addiction again, so I've only downed magmaw, argaloth, and halfus.

  4. I support this idea. However, instead of cs_crackhouse, i would reccomend cs_crackhouse_xz_5. It has a few more ways to enter the house and is all around a better map, in my opinion. also, straying a bit from the main idea, I would LOVE to see a cs_crackhouse_xz_5 deathmatch server(no awp/autosnipers). I used to play one all the time before i got into wcs. The server i played was always full, i was pretty much forced to buy a reserved slot. : )

  5. you learned this shit in like 5th grade. as mimic stated, it is 288.

    paranthesis first obviously=48/2(12)

    PEMDAS states that division and multiplication are interchangable in their position in the PEMDAS acronym if division comes first in the problem. And as seen in this problem, the division does infact come first. i can't count how many times I don't get a right answer to when i ask a simple PEMDAS math trivia question in JB.

  6. Cute, but I've been around a lot longer than you kiddo, meaning I have a lot more experience, especially with the Warcraft server.

    Yiyas limited it for a reason. Don't like it? You can GTFO.

    are you aware that aero has 46 DAYS on the server while you have about 11 hours? regardless of you being in sG 1+ year(s) more than aero, you haven't gotten even close to the "experience" that Aero has.

  7. I would also want to bring up the player limit with master sniper. It is getting pretty obnoxious to be restricted from playing a race you like to play because someone is leveling it. I'm aware their is another 100+ or so races to play, but I'm quite sure people have their favorites.

  8. Ghoul and I are dearly concerned about this new limit. We are curious on why it was implemented. Ghoul is banned from the forums for some ungodly reason. So i am posting on his behalf, mostly. my 2 cents: orc isn't overpowered at all, all it has is critical attacks and a respawn if your lucky. it is quite fun to get a bit of teamwork going with several orcs, healers, slowing auras. Now, many races are getting player restrictions. Most of them I agree with, but orcish horde.... just look at the name, "horde". I don't really have anything else to say. I would like to see others opinions on this matter and why it was implemented.

  9. +1 to winrawr's cause. inb4, good player.

    Just one response that hasn't been even brought up, if you have walls, your not going to shoot through door/box and try to kill someone. If someone with walls actually did that, they would have to be young/immature enough to be blatantly obvious.

  10. Fuzzy shouldn't be banned imo. I've watched him a few times and have concluded(for myself) that hes not hacking. He plays like a good player and uses his sound avidly. And i agree with the inconsistency issue. I have my off days and on days as well. I admit, i would love to not see him around anymore, because he rapes my face quite consistently(I'm a shitty player, w/e), but being wrongfully banned sucks.

  11. i was mainly talking about people who did not have enough time logged on the server to gain that many lvls with the minuscule amount of ppl playing it at the time. Anyways, this thread is outdated as the server was opened quite a few days ago. And yes brice, the lvls are easier to obtain at lower lvls. thank you for that token of knowledge you bestowed on us.

  12. have to agree with sketch on rogue. rogue takes absolutely no skill what so ever. camp in a fucking corner and spam your ultimate, hoping ur target doesnt have ulti immu. I hardly ever see a rogue running around and actually trying to knife someone without the ultimate.

    ontopic: noblock shouldnt be on a server where knives are actually used consistently.

  13. Well if admins are spamming cash get a screenshot of this abuse.. And maybe we could do something about it.

    It was done silently when i saw it done. magically, my cash went up to 16k about 3 times in a matter of 5 seconds before i said something about it. Then the cash stopped flowing. I find it hard to believe that you can gain 500-600 levels in a night when the server only peaked to 12 people last night(which was a small time frame). But, that is just my theory, i was not their last night.

  14. i was really hoping for a nice fresh start in wcs1 where everyone is on an even playing field competing to lvl up. However, i have noticed quite a few ppl with total levels of 500-600+ that just gained these lvls over night. I do not have proof, so im not naming anyone in this thread. I'm just trying to look out for the well being of the server. Regardless of my past of whoring human alliance, I do believe leveling is an important and fun part of wcs. I am 100% against given cash whether it be server 1 or 2, I know it won't stop, but I'm just voicing my opinion on the subject. I can live with a few 16ks in a map, but spamming it for leveling faster is just ridiculous and ruins the wcs environment. I did read the MOTD and saw cash can only be given (or suggestedly given) like 5 times(roughly, this may not be exact) per map. This would be a wonderful rule to enforce in both wcs servers. I know its a bit hard to enforce this rule as ADMINS are the ones that have the power and ability to break this rule, but i guess that is just another way to weed out the badmins.

  15. If we followed your logic, then I should nerf every race cause every one has had at least one person whore it. It's in there to balance it out for players that are doing well so that the other side has a chance to even up, or at the least have a fair fight.

    either all the races should be on a semi fair playing field, which is definitely what it is not considering remilia scarlet, or certain races need to have counter races as someone was saying about wcs 2. I don't see balancing teams in WCS terms, but in player skill terms. who has highest score should reflect their skill as a CSS player, not the power of their race. You guys have a different way of balancing teams in wcs1 which i don't exactly agree with. My "logic" is just my opinion and did not cry about the rule being enforced.

    Leaving when race whoring then reconnecting is ban worthy IMO. Just throwing it out there.

    Your absolutely correct, and i don't recconect after disconnecting after whoring. But i guess you would know i don't reconnect if you had read my whole post.

    And FYI, I did get banned on the one instance i reconnected.

    It doesn't matter. Rules are rules, so follow it as it is. I'm sorry you can't play/abuse one race that you like the entire game, but you can easily change to another. Why are you whining about the rule anyway if you say you'll "just be whoring" on another race anyway?

    as i said before, I'm not whining in any way, I'm voicing my opinion on how you balance the teams while replying to walmart about what happened.

    And to say it again, if you don't like the server, fuck off. Simple as that.

    And to Walmart, I denied what I KNOW is untrue, and nothing else. I never denied saying Go die. I could say, it cannot be proved that i said it directly to you, but I'm not gonna be a lil bitch about it. I did say Go die to you. I dislike when someone tells me to get off a race, but i do get off the race, regardless, following the 2 round rule. The only thing i do a bit differently is i just leave the server until the map changes instead of changing to a differenet race.

  16. I disagree with the whoring rule. If the race is OP, it should be nerfed. Players who like to play specific races and are decent at the race they like to play should not be penalized for it. This is just my opinion, but i do abide by the rules. The ONLY time i ever put up a fight for getting off of human alliance was the one instance Mimic is talking about on Crackhouse. I was being difficult and just felt like putting up a fight.

    Anyways, when walmart told me to stop whoring, i followed the rules and was about to leave after the 2 rounds. However, I did not say Fuck you on the mic. I did say "You know what walmart?", and then left briefly after.

    On the topic of leaving and rejoining to reset my score, I almost NEVER do that. The only time I EVER rejoined while on the same map, was the one instance on Crackhouse when i felt like putting up a fight. Maybe i was just having a bad day, I don't really know. Whenever someone tells me to stop whoring, i take my 2 rounds, and leave the server. I am selective about the races I play and don't really care about leveling now that i have all the races i want to play. I would love to just jump onto one of the other races i like playing, but they are all way passed max, so I'd still be whoring.

    anyways, i really have nothing else to say. Yes, i whore human alliance. I don't care if that makes me a shitty player. I hope you enjoyed all of my inconsistent capitalizations in this post.

  17. agreed. I have never seen anyone play contract killer. it is just an overall horrible race. theres not a time when my human alliance doesn't dominate everything, but i put emphasis on contract killer. My bash makes it completely visible and easy to kill while stunned. It just gets obliterated. On another note:

    take away [attack] effects(animations, w/e)--once you take one shot with an [attack] proc, your fucked. inb4, usp.

    give it a smoke escape thing a teleport like archimonde that doesn't go as far as a human, but maybe a lil further then pistoleer. smoke could be increased in radius and darker(thicker).

    my opinions don't count because i play human alliace. don't read anything I post.

  18. Nuclear made and empire made some good suggestions imo. It would be good to atleast try some ideas to change up the gameplay or power of the race, see how that goes, and if it is too powerful or still sux, change accordingly. it's not like we are MMOs developers that have to be extremely picky with what they put into the game to appease thousands of players.

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