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Posts posted by skitt

  1. Climb seems to tedious imo. However, once i join climb, i'm usually addicted until my fingers hurt from too much mwheeldown.

  2. This sounds horrible. This would definitely be the most annoying race out there. I'm all for some more defensive/reflective races, but this seems a bit too much. I don't understand skill #3. Skill #4 should only work on random direct damaging ultimates(locust swarm, chain lightning, ect.). It would be a bit much if you randomly got teleported or rooted a random person. I would suggest a bit more HP and 100% dmg on the skill reflect. Scavenging for guns doesn't quite fit this concept of this race. I'd let it purchase guns at free will. However, a scavenger type race would be pretty cool.

  3. please elaborate a bit more on the skill descriptions. How much damage does explosion upon death do? How much HP do you gain upon killing someone? I like the idea of the race. However, Dropping someones weapon (while you have a weapon) is a bit too powerful imo. I would suggest a different skill, maybe levitating the opponent on hit, like crypt lord's impale.

  4. i agree with oracion. Making it an ability would make it a bit more nerfed(as i feel it is needed) and be less strenuous on the server. I know if I had a 5-7 with wallhax, i'd put a dent in the enemy team thats for sure.

  5. I only see the front of the iron sight kinda being warped. Thats about all i see though, nothing big. Almost looks like a piece of the iron sight is chipped off in front near where it attaches to the actual gun.

  6. yah, after the 400 series(nvidia), it really isn't needed all that much, unless your playing on a 30+ inch monitor or some shit. I predict video card companies are going to start making a bit less money than they used to now that graphics aren't changing as drastically as years past.

  7. I usually dont like this kind of music but I found sleep to be pretty good. The beat was really calm.


    sleep was relaxing. I'm not to into the rap/hip hop genre all that much, so i can't really voice my opinion on the rest of the music.

  8. no percentage dmg please! whenever someone would go zombie, the opponent would just wreck the zombie with this race. This will discourage zombie play A LOT, as if its already pretty discouraged as of right now. I like the concept of the skill, but maybe it could just add damage just based on how much ammo you have in the clip instead of take a percent of enemy's life.

  9. Hope you had fun OG. I'm gonna have to agree with the others, Natalie was the true winner here. :P

    my prom was last saturday night as well. It was one hell of a night. I didn't find myself asleep until 8 AM yesterday morning. lool

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