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Detective Nom Noms

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Posts posted by Detective Nom Noms

  1. If you feel like you don't have enough time to talk donate support the server and get unlimited mic.


    You and everyone else that has started playing on the server...


  2. I still fucking love using them jesus christ that shit's so OP I masturbate to it really enjoy it

    that shit's so OP

    so OP


    This isn't just directed toward you but seriously....


  3. more modern military shooters running on the same engine as their previous game?

    I can't wait to tell all my dudebros at the dorm!

    right on! this is so radical!

    It's actually a new engine...

    but then why does it look the same just with more SHINY TEXTURES?

    It doesn't? Look at the explosions, look at the destruction in general. The destruction is much more defined and seems much more like the destruction we saw in Frostbite 2.0 back in BFBC2(God I love that multiplayer). The graphics have had an entire overhaul it seems, its a major step up from BF3 in some aspects if you really look at it.

    i shouldn't have to look hard to see improvements in graphics

    but then again, it's graphics, who cares?

    well, seeing how early this game is getting pushed out it's obvious they want the COD crowd, but they don't have the momentum to keep up with yearly COD games yet. 2011 was BF3. 2013 is BF4, and my guess is that 2014 is BF5.

    Please watch the trailer for BF3 and then watch this 17 minute reveal for BF4 and then come back here and tell me why you still think they are similar.

    The trailer for the singleplayer in BF4, not even talking about graphics right now, show more off than what was even in the singleplayer for BF3. Using Vehicles for one along with the squad control and the more expansive map.

    Excuse me if this sounds like fanboying or something.

    BF4 looks to be a more expanisve experience that BF3 wanted to try and capture. Something more than the last few COD games have ever been able to provide.

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