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Detective Nom Noms

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Posts posted by Detective Nom Noms

  1. I must say this. In regards to the rule you just posted.

    "If a terrorist rebels by not listening correctly, and you do not kill him, then on completion of the next successful move order or game, he is abolished of any wrong doing." and "Instances where this is not valid: Shooting Gun, Killing CT."

    Not listening correctly has nothing to do with shooting a CT. Not listening correctly would be like moving somewhere or staying somewhere during an order and then doing the next one.

    Not listening has nothing to do with pulling out a gun and shooting a CT.... That is just my two cents...

    EDIT: Skitt beat me to it...

  2. As I have said. My problem has been the constant RDM-ing and leave lately. My complaint has nothing to do with his voice. It is his actions these past few days in-game.

  3. Ok Detective nom noms and Madking Nom noms TRIED TO KILL ME while i was detective and he was inno then someone tried to blow my hp station i killed them the round ended i was karma banned

    Wrong. I did not shoot you. You THOUGHT I shot you when I ran by and you killed me. You also killed MadKing when he shot at you when he found out I was inno and then stop when he saw you were a detective and then you killed him.

    Like I said. I'm tired of your lies and I have no video or photo proof. But I will keeping track and demos if you continue to do this.

  4. 1. I did not "bait" you. I ran into a room that you happen to be in. That is not "bait".

    2. You don't get rdm'd every round because of your voice so you can cut the shit lie there.

    3. If I get MadKing in here he will tell how you rdm'd him yesterday while you were a Detective. Or all the times you have RDM random people and get called out on the problem then leave for a few hours only to come back and do it again.

    4. Killing someone for having the same gun, that ANYONE can pick up from the map, because someone died with that type of gun is NOT a valid reason.

    You are very fucking lucky that I don't have proof other than what I have seen these past couple of days, but seriously dude. I'm tired of your shit. That is why I call you out on everything you do.

    Also, thank you Spell.

  5. I'm playing JB alot less until I get the fucking internet I WAS PROMISED BY THE LANDLORD ( damn old bitch) in my apartment.... Oh well time to go finish Red Dead Redemption and Crackdown 2 on Xbox while I wait for college to start......

    Thank god I found a small spot of Wifi in my room that I can sometimes use or I would go crazy without internet.....

  6. I have no problem not getting LR.... I like rebelling. I'm not hurt in any way about the whole thing. I just wanted to point that out that it's just not a right thing to do sometimes. But like I said It's cool I'm not losing sleep over it... haha

  7. oh and i got freekilled by oglettuce in that one pic.

    I wasn't going to say anything if you didn't bring this up.

    You used low grav during a high spray contest to get LR against me after the warden stated no cheating or clipping...

    At first I didn't care but then you kept going on when oglettuce killed you for it about getting your LR for the next two rounds.... That was just annoying.

    But like I said. I wasn't going to say a word until you said you were "freekilled".

  8. Not to be rude.... But this was a terrible spit in the face to the old version.... And the "3-D Experience" was just a pop-up book on the big screen... I saw it in theaters...

    Very disappointed for this movie to carry the name of the awesome film made in 1981.

  9. When will everyone learn that this is only because THE GAME HAS UPDATED AND THE SERVERS HAVE TO CATCH UP! It seems like every time this happens everyone makes a fourm saying...


    Just sit and wait they will be up soon. It's going to be updating like this alot so people should just get used to seeing that message....

  10. Just kill me now....

    I didn't care what they did to The Smurfs cause I've always hated those little blue shits...

    But then they have to go and touch Yogi Bear and fuck that you terribly... Justin Timberlake as Boo-Boo? god damn it... It might as well be an SNL skit called " Put my dick in a pic-a-nic basket" ....

    God Damnit...

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