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Posts posted by Saint-Tab

  1. I like the maturity of some people here.

    Killing him won't change anything. 'sending him in a suicide mission in Afghanistan' ... Are you a fucking dumbass? Do you realize this is a human life you will kill by the same way?

    Btw, yes he's an asshole, he deserves a hard punishment but please use your goddamn logic before posting that kind of stupidity. geez...

  2. 1) no im not removing ze_paranoid_turbo. it's a very unique map and brings a lot of fun.

    2) jurrasic park is already on it

    3) black pitch? never heard of it

    4) i can't do anything wit the spawn killer because I'm no mapper.

    1) Yes, I agree, paranoid turbo is a unique map. But, iI don'T think it shoulb on on the ZE server

    2) Yay

    3) Its an old map, when this community was UV and not SG

    4) ok np :/

  3. Hi, can you delete ze_paranoid_turbo because it's more a minigame map than a zombie escape map please.

    And also can you add jurassic park and black pitch.

    I Don't have the links but the server used to have these maps.

    Can you also fix the spawn killer on mines of moria plz.


  4. I saw a speedhacker on zombie escape.

    here is his steamip:

    # 7977 "twilight." STEAM_0:1:12070486 53:10 124 0 active

    I forgot to record a demo but I have screenshots of him saying that's he's speedhacking

  5. I just got banned from ZE..

    I was playing Minesofmoria then i got banned like that without a reason. Can u unban me plz or just tell me why did i get banned plz.

    PS: i got banned October 30th at 4:20 PM

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