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Posts posted by Zagrao

  1. Renekton is awesome. He is almost like a mix version of Shen and Mordekaiser. He uses no hp for his skillls, which is a bonus. The main damaging skill on Renekton is the cull of the meek followed by ruthless predator. If you can build it to have a high damage output, it would be very hard to stop him, especially if he has a high vampric rate items. Ultimate gives a damaging cloud, surrounding him for a few seconds which stops people from diving onto you if they have low hp and same with you.

    In all honesty, you probably would do good with Renekton.

  2. I hear that some players get random IP boosts for no reason and it doesn't matter who wins or not. If you really want to see if it's just you or the player having IP boost, play a co-op vs. AI game on beginner.

    I have found that I get around an average of 20 IP per game, excluding 1st win of the days.

    Try that to see if it is just IP boosts.

  3. lol, anivia is soooo broken, it is the only champion that has an automatic rebirth version of guardian angel. Albeit the rebirth is worse than guardian angel in where you can die before you revive which takes 6 seconds.

    Anivia is broken, especially in the sense that if you lure enemies into the jungle, your wall will divide and conquer them since it's so wide they, can't get around it unless they have a teleport skill or flash, Riftwalk for example, can get around it.

    Twitch is underpowered, but becomes a major irritant when it's atk speed is high. It becomes a better version of teemo in mid-late game.

  4. lol, just got spoiled with the new rotation.

    I love kogmaw and caitlyn as champions. Will get once I save enough forsaken IP (a cringe worthy 12600 IP total)

    if you're looking for a new tank champion to play as, get blitzcrank. You'll rule if you have sion tag with you :D

    • Jailbreak - unique rules, niche mod
    • ZE - huge player limit, niche mod
    • WCS 1/2 - unique races, niche mod
    • Minigame - niche
    • surf - niche
    • bunnyhop - niche
    • climb - niche
    • TTT - niche
    • DarkRP - niche
    • pub - ______

    Fill in the blank to explain why it hasn't and wouldn't work out. There are a billion rotation pubs out there, each one more similar than the last.

    Hide n Seek - Great mod, died due to lack of maps and no new updates on the mod. It died in a blaze of glory.

  5. Morde is the only champ I ever got a pentakill with, if that influences your choice at all, lol.

    I heard it is easy to get pentakill with these champions....

    Twisted Fate





    Also, how mad would you be if your team killed a kog maw and it exploded and got a triple kill?

  6. Generally::

    * Black Wizard

    * Final Fantasy

    * Gun Race, Scout only. (No pistol use, no knife.)

    * Level 1000.

    * Attack/defense shopmenu, health restricted.

    Five Skills, Five Levels each.

    Mage Staff - Trusty, handy, long rage staff. (Spawn Scout, 2% chance per level for double ammo).

    Fire - Singe your enemy. (2% chance/level to burn enemy for a second on hit.)

    Ice - Pierce your enemy's defense. (2% chance/level to deal an extra 15% damage on hit.)

    Drain - Drain your enemies hp to heal your wounds. (Ability, 25 second cooldown. 3 hp/level recovered when used, 15 hp max, -15 hp from enemy it targets, can heal past 100 health.)

    Quake - Trap your enemies within the earth. (Ultimate, 30 second cooldown. Places a ward in an area that stays until triggered by an enemy. When activated, deals 30 damage, and buries the enemy for two seconds.)

    Sniper race with basic skills, and a ward root. The upgraded race will do more than this one. Low leveled as well.

    Fixed, black mages never learn white magic unless they had a job change. :P

  7. So I've found characters I like through random playing and it's quite a bit. Only thing I'm unsure of right now is whether I want to get Shen or Mordekaiser first.

    I'm going to say, if you can play well, get by with low hp, get mordekaiser. If you like to play safe, get shen.

    Mordekaiser is a good pusher, but don't expect to tank well with him. Mordekaisers ultimate can control an enemy champion if that person dies while ultimate is active. (you controll the enemy if it does die with alt+click)

    Shen, on the other hand, can tank very well and can buy quite a bit of time for your allies with it's taunt skill. Not to mention that the ultimate provides a temporary shield and you teleport to that person to help them out.

  8. I started a day or two ago in an attempt to find out if Default has expertise. Unfortunately, it seems that it doesn't. During this time period I've gained roughly 80 levels, so that's where I'll be starting out. I've found that the easiest way to level this race is to buy as many shop menu items as possible, as this lowers the gap between a race that has essentially nothing (except respawn), and a race that can have an almost infinite possibilities of skills. Maybe one day, Default will get an expertise.

    3/19/2011 -

    Level 84

    cool story bro, now explain about the high leveled orc you have for no real reason.

  9. Well while we are talking about Gameme why is it not working in game on any of the servers.

    like the Kdeath, Place, And stuff??

    Personally, I like it better when stats aren't around cause it forces ppl who only care about rank to leave, leaving the people who actually enjoy the servers.

    I'd say have gameme function only to record the time spent on servers, and if need be record all the goodies, but can only be viewed in a browser.

  10. I consistently warn all that disconnecting as the last zombie is unacceptable. If you didn't know, disconnecting as the last zombie causes SOMEONE to get infected, and 95% of the time leads to a zombie victory. I don't think I was the one who banned you, but no matter what your ban was for a short period of time anyways.

    Yeah, but if you see that they timed out, you can not ban them, no matter how unfair it is. So although I see this as being resolved since the ban time is gone, just pay a bit more attention to see if they left on purpose or timed out. /thread

  11. Stalkers ultimate will at random times, blow everyone up. Trying to see if holding a pistol is the cause of it.

    Just checked and it is the gun causing it.

    EDIT - did some further testing and it's random, sometimes it does it, othertimes not.

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