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Posts posted by thorgot

  1. L. "Attack" Organizing - Threads or posts that are honestly meant to help plan or execute an attack on another community's forum(s) or server(s) will be met with an immediate ban. Do not, under any circumstances, discuss attacking another community on the forums.


  2. The port to the orange box engine was outsourced to Hidden Path Studios. I don't know if that makes Valve more or less lazy, but at least you can't blame them for stuff like this.

  3. Did you see that movie?

    I'm still utterly confused how it got such high ratings.

    Also, The new Batman movies are great, with the exception of Batman himself.

    Seriously, Christian Bale has to be one of the worst actors ever on screen. He's up there with Keanu Reeves and Hayden Christensen.

    I saw The Prestige twice. I thought The Illusionist was better made but Prestige was more interesting.

  4. Not claiming it was bad, the trailer just made it seem like shit.

    I've never actually watched it (I watched the trailer and it didn't seem good)

    It's quite good.

    Nolan hasn't made what can be described as a bad film yet. Also, every single movie he's made has raked in a huge profit.

  5. I don't get why L4D is so fun. and when it came out it was $40 or so? What a piece of junk.

    All you do is face zombies with a few specials ones, and shoot them out. The campaigns are nice for a week or so but there just isn't a lot of variety and creativity in killing the zombies.

    At $10 it's a steal, assuming you have any friends to play it with.

  6. Those questions are worded so it's obvious what the right answer is.

    I've never encountered an admin on an sG server who was abusing his powers and I know there is an avenue to complain if I ever do. More admins means fewer people griefing in the end.

  7. That sound happens whenever certain parts of the GUI are updated. Whenever you vote, or whenever the time left to vote changes, or whenever you get an achievement. The time left changes every second the vote is going, so you hear the sound every second for a while when it happens.

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