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Contract Killer

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Posts posted by Contract Killer

  1. I really has nothing do to with Netflix:

    Netflix isn't raising prices to fatten their margin but so that they can increase the instant selection. They are actually starting to hurt financially because cable companies and movie studios are asking for more money to stream titles or lobbying against the business model entirely. So if there's anyone to be upset at, it's not Netflix.


  2. One of the conflicting evidence is that the dead daughter was duct taped around her mouth and nose. This would be useless if the victim was dead by drowning beforehand. It points at the fact that someone must of (the mother) duct taped her daughter's mouth and nose to shut her up and suffocate her.

  3. Even if she didn't kill her child, there's some responsibility on her part and she deserves some sort of punishment. What about negligence?

    She knew her daughter was dead and didn't report it. Not only that, when confronted about the absence of the child she said the child was with a non-existent nanny and proceeded to concoct a story for law enforcement that the nanny had abducted the child.

    The body was hidden. Duct tape was found around the mouth area.During this time, she partied and got a tatoo.

    These facts are uncontrovertible. She has admited to the them. I believe this was enough to establish guilt. This body was hidden to cover up a crime.

  4. Of the thread? Phoenix posted pics from Dani's facebook on 4chan, then some derp linked to this site. It's the reason we banned Phoenix for 6 months.

    No I was here at the time.

    I was wondering why chaos is still here.

  5. They are amazing. Try Ruby Tuesday's new ones. They give you one small one for each person, but they are like the same just a bit better, pretty sweet tasting.

    I also LOVE Texas Road House's Rolls and Cinnamon Butter.

  6. Quoted from 10-4 Magazine.com, Nov. 2007 - Performance Zone article:

    "We have a client in Quebec producing over 2,000 horsepower in a 550 Cat, and they break their aluminum piston skirts regularly - but they do not burn them. This amazing Peterbilt drag races pulling two trailers loaded with 60,000 pounds of lumber on each one. Pulling 120,000 lbs. from a dead stop, this powerful truck can run the 1/8-mile in 7.7 seconds. On the 3rd shift, the left front tire jumps 36 inches in the air. The truck twists the double frame so hard that it never goes completely back to being straight. If you don’t believe me, check out a recent photo taken of the truck (shown here)!"


  7. Now that that's over...

    Yeah marine, most of the area around me is either farm fields or woodland, or grass plains. There are quite a few tracks near me, but my buddy that lives on a farm actually built his own track with a bobcat. It's really nice, and costs nothing to go ride on ;)

    I've always wanted to go out in the desert and take my truck or bike out on the dunes, sounds like a good time. Just need some sand paddle tires

  8. Zeus called me stupid, lul.

    What all have you done with your truck that makes it so much more fun then mine? I go mudding, fuck around in fields in the winter, go critter bashing, all that "redneck shit".

    Funny thing is, I GARUNTEE I use my truck as a truck more than you do.

    I haul tons of river rock in the bed, landscaping material and tools (I work for a landscaping company, tow trailers, etc. While you obviously don't, can't for some since its lifted.

  9. Yeah zeus is like a little child when he doesn't get his way.

    I figure it this way. Zeus has a shitty truck. Because of this fact, anyone that has a nicer truck has obviously done something wrong to it, so he finds something to bitch about.

    I don't know why you act like you know everything about trucks when you've had 1 truck and 1 jeep, and you're almost the same age as me.

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