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Posts posted by CoinStar

  1. you really need a LR script in there.

    It lets people be creative.

    You ever see that episode of Spongebob when Squidward moves to "Tentacle Acres" and does the same thing ever day. IRC, he got bored and left after telling everyone to suck his dick.

    Inserting a flame here would be unprofessional on my behalf.

  2. You can thank the CS:S update and the 40% drop in revenue (hundreds) that came along with it. The excess summer money is used to pay the bills when things slow down in the winter / spring. Sitting at a less than break even point for July isn't good.

  3. so I've had my own place since last Noviembre. didn't tell too many people really. sex doesn't believe I have a futon and OG thinks I live with my mom.


    living room


    contents of refrigerator per order of sex

    -half dozen eggs


    -maple syrup

    -can of tuna

    -carton of orange juice

    -dunkins iced tea and donut

    -jar of mayonaise




    living room pre futon looking towards hall


    kitchen complete with dirty dishes amber is supposed to come wash >:|

    broken tile for decoration

    sorry sex, my 1/2 inch foam camping pad (bed) and bedroom is not pictured. yes, I sleep on the floor.

    television is overrated.

    my four lights and netbook contribute to my 4.50 usd power bill. they refuse to go any lower, something about some minimum bullshit.

    living the high life.

  4. It is time for you boys to let your community members have all the details of their money. It is THEIR money.
    The financial part of this community is run much like a buisness, subscribers are customers receiving a service (which you yourself stated). Donations make up less than 1% (if anything) of all monthly revenue. Also seeing that 90% of subscribers are not community members, that statement is invalid.
    joking aside that is about the shittiest report I have ever seen in my life.
    It's is not nor was it ever intended to be a financial report. It's done to keep the staff up to date on the financial status and track problems.
    The last actual detailed report capable of being found on this forums is here - http://www.syndicate-gamers.net/show...-vol.-6-8.8.09 even though it had a 5% miscellaneous unaccounted for.
    That report was fabricated from nothing. Everything on there is BS except for a few expenses. I had to keep things stable (hide over 300 dollars of monthly food and service purchases) while the plan to oust P2 was in progress.

    The miscellaneous purchases were legitimate. They were probably one time purchases making up less than 2% of the big picture. Grouping them together made things look a bit more organized.

    From random browsing it seems 2 people have actual access to seeing what goes on, church and coinstar. Although it seems only coinstar has access to everything.
    The three people with access are Jason, Junzou, and I. Jason and Junzou have a sub-account to monitor transactions.
    All in all you made a promise to your community
    A promise I can't keep without putting a target on our backs.

    We've all seen what happens when we simply put a map on our server. DDoS attacks like seagulls fighting over a french fry. I'm afraid that disclosing our financial information could compromise this community. Being successful makes people jealous.

    Wait. If the monetary transactions made for the clan happen via the internet, why is there a physical debit card?
    Not every company accepts Paypal, probably because of the ridiculous fees associated. Paypal has a debit card that takes money right out of the account for purchases, much like a regular Paypal purchase. I also get 2% back on purchases, not a bad deal at all for spending 600 something a month.
    Well, thats what the bank account is for. I guess. You know, the Bank Account.
    The account is used to store surplus, not make purchases.

    One more time for you TL;DR people...

    I'm afraid that disclosing our financial information could compromise this community. Being successful makes people jealous.

  5. You cant buy a game and gift it later, you gotta send it directly after you buy it. Atleast I think thats how it works.


    I pre-purchased those BC2 copies and sent them to my email address rather than directly to the person on steam. It'll give you a link that you open in Steam to get the game, which you can give to anyone.

    Ok. So. Ghoul gives us $30. We spend $20 on this kid. I don't even.

    My card, not community money.

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