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Posts posted by mastrsky97

  1. I strongly disagree with mixing classic rock songs......it doesnt go together and it sounds absolutely terrible...its like mixing country and heavy metal...it just doesnt go together...

  2. i have his steam id STEAM_0:1:27289671 and a rec of him and his hacks

    EDIT: wtf i try to upload an attachment but it says:

    Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.


  3. ... not to be harsh but if you haven't even looked around our forums yet, why are you applying? :confused: It's not like we hide the Recruitment board or something.

    sry about that btw, i started scrolling down to look for it,but i guess i either missed(somehow)or i didnt scroll down all the way :(

  4. while playing on the jailbreak server,for no reason,tucker banned i hack:SourceBans] RvB.Tucker: Banned player "iHack" for 1024 minutes (reason: LOL)


    well tucker was his in game name,i have no idea what his uv registry name is :/

  5. Hi,i just registered yesterday, but i play on the jailbreak server a LOT.Even though i missed the member apply :mad: ill definitely apply in September.So i just wanted to say Hello :).Oh and BTW,on here im Mastrsly97 but in css i am:Cereal Killer.

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