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Posts posted by Skotti

  1. i dont add these people.

    so theres two reasons you would add them.

    they are either really hot.

    or you are a secret superduper OMG REALLY into twilight as they are and you two talk about notheing less.

    i think its the second one. ;)

  2. so now someone got on your computer and played on your account. instead of them hacking you.

    nice story change. but i doubt they are gonna unban you. just because it came from the same ip adress also.

    besides the first one, but even then you had the same name after your ip changed. so concludes you are the same person.

  3. lulz. i turned 17 after i joined. YAY!

    If we cant allow one porn we should be allowed all porn.

    except the obivous illegal shit like cp and whatever else is illegal.

  4. LOL.

    this game is rated M for a reason. if you aren't mature, you shouldn't be playing. mature people can handle breasts without giggling.

    I say this but noone listens! the m for mature thing could also go for racism. but i can see how racism can be a little more offensive too.

  5. Lol. i see this too and yet the managers still unban people. i agree with swat on this one. its funny how people think they are fly and think they get around this. we need detective mario on this one. he'll see this so called story and reveal its true purpose.

  6. So because of the way I structured my sentence you find the justification necessary to comepletely invalidate what I say without any arguement to back it up? Ok

    im just sayin, im pretty sure the government would love to fund PETA to save animals that dont effect us in anyway rather than pay for people to live on the moon. even if we get people up there something will most likely go wrong and cause a dozen innocent people to die. we are fine on earth until we have more than sufficent technology to travel through space.

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