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Posts posted by fontaine

  1. all this saints row stuff was already in the thq humble bundle months ago


    Not the Ultimate Edition. With this humble bundle, if you pay over the average, you get all the crazy DLC for it. And Saints Row 2 which wasn't in the THQ bundle.

  2. Wtf. I was looking for a plugin like this forever and then I had to settle with the random scramble plugin. I'll configure it and get it set up tomorrow morning while I'm at work.

    +1 Interwebz for you sir.

    I got around to adding it tonight. Let's see how it works. I removed the auto scramble plugin.

    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

  3. iirc there's a civil war in Rapture, and the calendar is pointing at the day before the war breaks out. Sounds amazing!

    Yep. December 31st. The eve of the civil war. And according to the game devs, we will be able to play as Elizabeth in the second DLC.

    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

  4. Never play dota 2 so excuse my bad question, but i am guessing that was a box that you had to use a key on eh? If so how much did that key cost.


    Nah this is the box that came with the $9.99 compendium because they met the 2.6 million dollar reach goal. Everyone with a compendium was given a chest with a random item in it. No key required for this chest. 

  5. So an update on this: I got the Sensei MLG today. From first impressions it's great. The feel is perfect, and the shape is awesome for my fingertip style. It has some features like exactaim which reduces the speed of your crosshair if you move you mouse slower, great for sniping but I need to test this if it's really good in-game.


    I'll give another update about the mouse in a week or so after I tested it.


    That sounds like mouse acceleration which really isn't something you should get used to. 

    1. Masterchief
    2. Knox
    3. Ryziu
    4. Randy Savage
    5. Nitestalker
    6. Coldfuse
    7. Chaulklet
    8. TurtleFrenzy
    9. Oreo
    10. Hurff
    11. MisterTurkes
    12. FPStrucka
    13. British
    14. Quayle
    15. season
    16. kgame
    17. ruffles
    18. water.exe
    19. banana peelz
    20. tabboob
    21. jiyeon
    22. sakara
    23. gucci
    24. pebbz
    25. ichalvl
    26. xlite
    27. fat black woman
    28. tdkr
    29. fontaine/klark
    30. Smooth-eh
    31. Dyscivist
    32. Gamer4125


  6. Freekiller. I know you, and this is exactly what you would post to incite some sort of response after being punished for whatever troll reason. I like you, but you got to calm some shit down. From the 4 people who contacted me regarding this matter, there were several similarities in their stories regarding poke abuse and other nuisances. You will receive a 24-hour ban. Please don't continue to be a faggot. I enjoy your company and don't want you to go the way of the cesspool. 

  7. I've had my g500 for 2 years now and am thinking of upgrading it. the wire is almost broken where it connects to the USB port.

    I was thinking of getting a deathadder 2013,do you think you would recommend this over the deathadder 2013?


    The deathadder 2013 is really good, comparable to the EC2. The EC2 is a smaller mouse though. Between the two, it's mainly preference because they have the same optical sensor. 


    Check out these:



  8. So my new mouse just came in today. I ordered a Zowie EC2-eVo Black. It was to replace my Logitech MX518 which has been dying as of late. I've owned a deathader, a g400, a mx518, and some other random mice. Coming from the MX518, I've noticed a HUGE improvement. I didn't expect it at all. But the precision increase is huge. It defaults to a 1000 Hz polling rate. It has 3 DPI presets that are fine. But the thing that stands out to me the most is that this doesn't require any drivers. All the polling rate and DPI stuff is done hardware-side. And the build quality is amazing. It is a very simplistic looking and feeling mouse. It has one of the highest quality sensors for optical mice on the market.I instantly noticed a difference in game with the movement and precision of the mouse. 


    I read a lot about it on many different forums and subreddits, but I didn't expect it to be this great.




    JUST WANTED TO SHARE MY EXPERIENCE. In case anyone was in the market for a new mouse. Don't let the price shock you, it is an amazing piece of hardware. The build quality is superb. It feels so great in your hand as well. If you have any questions, just ask!


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