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Posts posted by Owns

  1. He wasn't speedhacking... he was just running really fast.

    +5 point infraction for trolling the CD.

    You could have a screenshot of me saying I'm a woman... doesn't make it true.

    Btw: good job putting the screenshot up.

    new post: Saint-Tab is hacking my time

    # 1337 "saint-fag" STEAM_0:1:91180085 53:10 124 0 active

    This fag stole 3 minutes of my life, perma him plz.

  2. Considering what I and others have seen in the CD lately, it's seeming like some admins are getting called out for doing things, but yet lately it's a "I'll talk with him" or "I'll warn him, and it'll be good" thing. Not saying you shouldn't talk with them, or that the Adv/Managers aren't being hardcore or being bad at their jobs, but I'd say having a set punishment like we do with infractions would be good for people to see and understand what will happen if legit complaints against them are found to be true and need to be punished.

    I was thinking of just one set way, with tallying strikes against an admin, no ifs ands, or buts with it. Something like this.

    First strike - warning

    Second strike - admin revoked for two days.

    Third strike - Admin revoked for a week.

    Fourth - loss of admin completely.

    Obviously the values can be altered to how staff sees fit, but I think this would get the point across of letting people know that admin is to be used correctly, not as they see it fit for them, or if they misunderstand rules constantly and how to punish things.

    Only issue I see with this is that it would be up to Adv/Managers to decide if an offense is strike worthy or worth the time, but this might be a start in a direction to keep things a bit more crisp with who's buying power, or received power over the time in the clan.

    Not only is there issue with the gray area between strike-worthy or not, there is also the general lack of evidence that usually comes with admin abuse threads. How do you expect us to rule in a thread where its entirely he said/he said? We go on a basis of innocent until proven guilty in every single complaint thread. An admin may get 10 complaint threads, but unless there are four of those that are actually well evidenced, it would be against policy to ban them. It may seem like bureaucracy, but its protection from frivolous complaints and lies.

    I dont think a remedial admin school would help. Admin school is still a good idea and a good way to ensure prior knowledge of rules, but if we can ensure that they have seen the rules and they still break rules and admin abuse at inappropriate times, thats just dickery and they would learn nothing from a rehab.

    I'd have to agree with Longcat. You can't punish someone for something like this unless there is solid evidence.

    You fucking people need to learn to read the entire post before commenting on something... longcat just stated the obvious... fucking duh.

    Oracion said that this should be a scale for LEGIT COMPLAINTS... I say first time they do it warn them, second time revoke their admin and keep their subscription, if they wanna pay for it again then fine but if another LEGIT COMPLAINT happens then revoke their ability to have admin permanently. 4 Chances seems a bit too much, plus it would cut down on the retardedness.

  3. I wouldn't want to know my purpose in life... I think if you knew your purpose in life... A) You could fail at it... or B) It may be something you feel in unimportant, which could send you spiraling into a depression and melt down.

    I would like to know... Yes or no, if I have ever truly loved.

  4. only read first part of this post.. and it was funny to see the 18 year old argue with the 14 year old... while girl who looks 16 just comments on both...

    I love beer pong, it makes a boring party fun, and I'm pretty decent at most tables... I'd say beer is more for house partys and shit and liquor is more for like having 5-10 people drinking and you have a girl you are trying to smash.

  5. 1st round - no xp

    2nd round - 0 money. no xp

    3rd round - 0 money, 0 xp, and 10 hp

    4th round and up - 0 money and slay

    reset after map change

    i like it this way so it helps you out in case you accidentally get caught twice or someone joins on your specific race. i mean it usually takes 1 round to realize what's going on, then 1 round to change... this would happen again if some1 joined on another 1-limit race. i think these punishments are dire enough. People don't like losing money

    You should try writing the code for this.

    Make it a warning to change within 2 rounds... if they don't it slays them.

  6. Haven't seen a weekly digest in nearly 3 weeks... what's up?

    I like hearing what's new with the clan and what you guys are thinking of and what is going on... maybe if nothing much is happening week to week, it should become a monthly digest?

  7. Owns - The Asshole

    Plumbing - Your intestinal gas gives you faster running speed.

    Shocker - You've been included in a sexual activity, so you've received more stamina

    Green poop(goose poop) - You've eaten something weird that has given you invisibility and turned you a shade of green.

    Gotta GO, RIGHT NOW - You leave "proximity mines" where you couldn't find a toliet.(maybe get 1 every 30 seconds or something)

    Plunger - You've clogged up the toilet, and pulled out your plunger(spawns with AWP)

    Ripped a new one - respawn.

    Couldn't think of anything unique, I just woke up... I will do more ones later.

  8. Yea I guess it would be different. I understand your logic. But yea, I just understand from experience the other day. Someone tried logging onto my account because they figured out my password. I thought it was my boyfriend but it wasn't. Either way, there's no proof if they had succeeded. It would look like I was lying. But like you say, it'd be different if it was the first time.

    BTW, Owns. Go suck a cock.

    Gladly... I agree with everyone.

  9. ok for one why does everyone think that im ignorant or a dumbass?! i dont fucking want to mass free kill i have dealt with that asshole that got on my account and did that!!! so stop saying im the asshole dumbass that is bitching about my account being perma banned....when i came on here trying to be nice about it!!! and i dont want to be rude but u all are being assholes...ur just sooooo quick to judge someone because u think that they could have maybe been really stupid and left their steam logged in at a house that is freely accessable to anyone, with a computer that is too, and was just a little embarrassed to admit it, and shun them because of one little thing that their asshole of a friend would do just to fuck with them without realizing that being in that server actually meant something to them...and plus i dont even play in any of the other servers that sG has...i honestly dont care to either....and honestly if it didnt really mean anything to me or it was that important to me...then do u really think that i would still be here trying to get my account unbanned????!!!! cause other wise its just not wort this much hassle and abuse and humiliation....

    and yeah that whole getting hacked story was really stupid...but i just thought it would make things go easier....but aparently not...and im sorry for that...but REALLY we all have those stupid fucking asshole friends that just dont give a shit and will fuck with u no matter what it does to u...and that guy who did this to me is one of those people that will litteraly punch u in the face just to "mess around" with u....

    You're run-ons are more painful to read than my own.

    So you have 3 previous bans that were all you, but you are not THAT guy that did the 4th one?

    So you only griefed and freekilled 3 times, not 4... we'll make a note of that, thanks for letting us know.

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