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Im not gay but 20 is 20

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Posts posted by Im not gay but 20 is 20

  1. I think its a good idea, skill surf is actually fun and it will bring it different kinds of people into the community.  Whenever i go on RPG surf theres always one guy running around with max levels and wrecking anyone regardless if hes good at the game or not, people leave the server because of that, its so hard getting levels nowadays.  Regardless of that, i think skill surf would bring in more mature members into the community instead of the random jb kids who make an app after 2 months of playing jb.  I haven't seen autistic kids on any of the skill surfs i've gone on for the most part, theres obviously going to be some, but because of the more relax environment of skill surf there is a higher  chance for more maturity within the community regardless if it is only a couple of people.  It is a good idea.

  2. Right now shadow and I are the only serious people who are wanting to scrim and just improve by playing better players/teams. Naufrage was interested in playing with us but he plays on a 40 fps laptop and has pretty poopy internet, so idk if he's going to play with us.


    team page we have is here: http://cevo.com/event/csgo-scrim/roster/375165/ 

    Okay, I will join, are you and shadow the only actives ones or does the rest of the team actually play? I would like to scrim at least once a week and maybe find other teams to scrim outside of cevo but it depends on everyone's availability.

  3. Shadow and I have been looking for decent players for our cevo team to scrim with, I wouldn't mind us joining your team or you joining our team.

    Sure, are you guys currently scrimming or yet to create a team?  It doesn't really matter too much but just wondering, but yeah i would be down.

  4. Alright so I'm going to keep this fast and simple, if anyone here DMG+ would like to make a team on CEVO with me simply for scrimming purposes in order to get familiar with an actual competitive environment message me on steam.

    >- My Profile http://steamcommunity.com/profile/76561198004424150/ 


    I am not looking for perfection by all means but this is something I would like to take serious in order to get better, be willing to learn and play as a team.  If this happens it will be an entirely different game that you would normally see.  I know there is not a lot of you out there in sG that will be willing to make a team with me but oh well.  If you think I am simply shit at the game 100% don't bother talking to me about it because I do not want to talk to you then.  I will provide answers to any questions people may have.  PS:  We will have fun playing, it will not be a strict hardcore team or anything like that but we will want to win.

  5. Even though this post will probably get a "post something relevant" i'm just going to put this shit out there.  I have played both esea and cevo but after being gone for a couple of months is it worth getting esea again once i'm good again or is cevo that much better than esea regardless of how good i am?  Also, has cevo pug contain a lot of children who have no skill at the game?  Do they match make due to skill?  Reply with relevant information (:

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