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Posts posted by Joker

  1. Alright, so I joined this clan about a year and half ago, I believe. I haven't been on in some time since I messed up my computer. Is the clan still around on CSS? And am I still in the clan? I don't even know if anyone even remembers me. I went under two names: Joker and Mike Hawk. Don't ask about why I chose that second name ;P

  2. Yeah I would probably be level 5 or something because I have been in for some time but before I used to go under the name of "Mike Hawk". I havent been in game much because my system has been running really slow on CSS and it has never done that to me before. So that sucks dry.gif

    Edit: Actually its been 6 months so I have 2 more months to go happy.gif

  3. Well I have never really recorded a demo or anything so I was pretty unsure of that, and the video I got of the hacker...I dont think it shows much but ehh I will give it a try later

  4. How do I post up a demo/video (or whatever you want to call it) because I got one of some guy hacking. I know where to find it in my folder but I just need to know how to post it up. And also, is there a way I could view it myself before I do so...I tried but it will not let me

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