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Posts posted by Oracion

  1. Can I get some opinions on this race again?

    It's kinda good but making it no HEgrenade wont work...

    Me and (someone else) had a different race idea where Nades would set people on fire, flash nades would erupt chain lightning and smoke grenades would create a toxin cloud with an ultimate similar to this.

    I'll move it back out to public to get more opinions.

    So, lets hear them guys.

  2. Some people were saying it has too many levels...

    Had to raise it's HP and gave a slow immunity on the ult cause it was just far too fragile and had no escape or defensive ability.

    Might need to edit marks because collectively you can deal 162dmg each right click on a mark. Perhaps see marks through walls or they spawn with 10% less hp or take more damage from everyone maybe.

    I don't mind a high levels race. Maybe just even everything out to 10 levels for each skill. 15 is a bit high for one skill.

    Fair enough to balance it.

    Lower the damage if it's that high. I get extra knife damage, but that sounds stronger than Savage atm. Or just make it do an instant damage on spawn to a random set of people.

  3. Me too, reminds me of that too much.

    >Every Oracion race in approved even without poll

    Oh you, Oracion!


    Besides, I'm going through the whole list lol. People like my stuff apparently. =(

  4. Tried it out and ulti you can spray about 10-20 2x dmg bullets or throw some 4x crit nades

    Just thinking it might be better if your next 1-5 bullets deal 2x dmg and if you miss it counts.

    I made knife attack stun instead cause +15%avg dmg knife is completely useless.

    Planning to make bullet time let you hit midair like Max Payne

    Don't like that Training doesn't work each round but it's still cool.

    1. Sounds good.

    2. Works for me.

    3. You sure it's just 15%? Maxed out it would be a 50% chance at don't an extra 30 damage. That's 85/95 depending on armor. Shouldn't be too too weak.

    4. I like the idea. I take it no recoil, or severely reduced recoil in air?

    5. You can mod this as you want. If you wanna put it up to 100% go for it since some others do have a 100% chance. It's only two guns anyway. Maybe if it stays 50% mod it to give more guns per level?

  5. Yo, thanks for the input! Yeah, I figured branching skills would take a significant amount of work which is why I split it into two different races. I was goign with the idea of Judge where they are kind of similar but different enough. However, I'll probably scrap the second version of it and focus on tweaking the first version.

    I played RO before and I was a Sword guy. I'm a TAD biased for sword lol.

  6. Wouldn't mind the Eagle eye suggestion. as far as the 1 bullet and the 15 secs. is trying to keep it true to the way he used it in game. it took a wale to shot one bullet and then to shoot another. 1 shot 15 sec cool down would takeaway way form that. " OH GUN BAM BAM BAM " but its just a start to it. nurf or a boost to it,to make it better could happen in test phase.

    Changed the Eagle Eye to be an ability.

    Lets do this. Keep the ult as it is in your first post. We'll leave it as it is on paper and mod it as needed.

  7. aight, sounds good.

    for psychic bullets then hows about 80 shot clip, +8 damage and everything from attack menu restricted in shopmenu

    I can work with that. Mod it in your post.

  8. Hidden Blade - No one sees this coming till its to late ( dmg 9%/level )

    Stealth Assassin - You Blend in to your surrounding ( invis 7.5%/level / 10% more if standing still )

    Forgettable Face - You always look like someone they know ( disguise 10%/level )

    Eagle Eyes - You have a way to see things others might not ( Sloth / Stalker Ability to see enemies 10% on spawn per level )

    Assassin Agility - Effectively move your body to dodge incoming attacks. ( 4% / level )

    Assassin's Pistol - Even in times like this. You have something up yer sleeve. ( Ulti Spawn a 1 shot USP for 5 secs / 15 sec cool down / 10% Chance per level / +8dmg /level )

    Hidden Blade/Forgettable Face/Agility = Fine. I may question the damage on HB, but these seem solid.

    Eagle Eyes - Like I said in another thread, I REALLY don't want this becoming common. Besides, you already have Stalker that's in works with this shit and that's strong as is. If this is going to be put in, limit it to an ability so you can temporarily sense people. Constantly just kinda makes it easy mode IMO.

    Assassin's pistol - Why not just give it 3 bullets and increase the cooldown to 20 seconds? Least then you could do something with it.

  9. Psychic Bullets - Your idea sounds good. 120 clip, +10 dmg per shot.

    Stare at Goats - I'm thinking a slightly less chance than the flame pred's explosion, if we go with the version of the ultimate that explodes your killer with a small aoe range, dealing 85-100 damage, up to you for judgement on that based on the chance i just stated and whatnot.

    Dude, that's not my idea. That's what the race has currently if it was put in lol. I'm asking if you can tone it down a bit? Cause you're talking a LOT of damage on a VERY spammable gun that isn't half bad as is.

    SaG - I don't mind a decent % chance for an ultimate. It's called an Ultimate for a reason anyway. A one out of two chance to work seems fair to me.

  10. I like the concept of the race, but I would suggest making it one or the other for skills for a few reasons:

    1) Easier to code without the branching. The main issue with having two skill tree's in this is that you really can't fit them all in one list to select from.

    2) It seems like a 'waste' per say with extra code that won't be used, however I do understand that this would allow for some versatility and utility from the race.

    In addition to this, it just seems like it's a lot of work for one race. I'm not knocking uniqueness, but I have a feeling that to make something of this caliber may be something that will take some good time to even work on the add-ons for some of the skills.

    My final opinion like Balz said above: Keeping it simple is usually best. I understand the intentions, but this seems like it's 'too much'.

  11. Okay, two things I want to question.

    Psychic bullets - I don't mind +ammo or + damage, but I just read it and you're giving a LOT of damage gain and ammo for a pistol race. Maxed out it'd give him a 120 starting clip and +10 damage each shot. That's kinda high really especially if you can get a Claws of Attack.

    Stare at Goats - I don't mind a 'kill the killer' skill, but does this have a %age chance of happening? Cause 100% seems high if we're talking for a guaranteed kill, or an AoE explosion. If we do insta-kill I say max it should be 50% (If something else in the game is higher, let me know) or for the AoE, keep it at 50% as well.

  12. I usually see it as, the more powerful the abilities can be, the higher up it should be.

    This doesn't always hold true overall though.

    Also Balth, how about making that see-through walls thing an ability? I kinda don't want the game spammed with them if we get more out, but an ability for a 3 second burst would be nice.

  13. What if you go 4-1 on your lowest race?

    If it's a non- maxed race that's fine. If it's maxed then I believe the race script will still change it.

    However, I do kinda agree with the random part. If it was able to choose a random non-maxed race at start, that'd be cool. If all are maxed, then a randomized would be nice too. Considering Yiyas and I want to get some more races created this summer, the chance of a repeat should be decently low.

  14. General:

    * Master of Arms

    * Original Idea

    * Guns race.

    * Level 4000

    * No boots/longjump/health.

    Eight Skills, Seven levels each

    Training - Teach your allies the way of arms. (7% chance/level [Rounds to 50% at max] to grant two teammates a M4A1 on spawn. When maxed, grants team a bonus 10 health at spawn.)

    Stamina - Years of training has strengthened you. (+5 health/level at spawn.)

    Bullet Time - Glide through the air and gun down your foes. (Gain 3% longer jumps/level [Rounds to 20% at max]).

    Mastery: Blade - Precise hits shall cripple. (On knife hit, 7% chance/level [Rounds to 50% at max] to deal an extra 30 damage.)

    Mastery: Gun - Precise shots shall pierce hearty foes. (2% chance/level [Rounds to 15% at max] to either have a random status effect affect the enemy for two seconds. The status' can be poison/bleed, blind, banish or slow.)

    Mastery: Grenade - Perfectly made explosives. (Your nade has a 7% chance/level to deal double any damage dealt when striking an enemy [Rounds to 50% at max]).

    Draw - You can't compete with my skills. (Ability, 25 second cooldown. When used, instantly draw a MP5 with full ammo for six seconds. When over, weapon changes back. When maxed, gives a P90.)

    Master of All - All my skills combine to this. (Ultimate, 30 second cooldown. When used, grants the player double damage for all attacks depending on the level of the skills. Levels 1-3 = one second. Levels 4-6 = two seconds. Level 7 = three seconds.)

    This may seem OP at first here. May have to come back and mod this one.

  15. Im all for this race but the two black mage/wizard races seem so similar that unless you used diff weps for them people would probably find it bs to level both...but thats just my opinion. seems cool other than that i suppose.

    One is single target damage, other deals AoE/higher debuffs. Hence why one is Mage and other is Wizard lol.

  16. its not about the KD its about PLAYING the race I want to play!

    That's a really cool story, and I'mma let you finish, but...

    Change race, end of story. Dodging to reset score doesn't erase it. Just play a few rounds as something else, and when you go 3:1 then, you can switch back. It's not that hard.

    Resolved, since there's nothing to discuss.

  17. Walk = feet on ground. Pretty sure you can't walk in air. SHOOT EM ALL.

    As to uptight rules, I really don't believe that to be the case. It's still pretty loose IMO.

    ...Not that whatever I say will satisfy the JB pop. Ya'll got something to whine about whenever I turn around.

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