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Posts posted by Oracion

  1. There should be a rule where you can't lie to a JCS about acting more mature when you get your admin back and then admitting you lied and you're still going to act immature. Oh and btw what ever happened to the blekops contest.

    Drop the issue on him. I told him how it is and he knows.

    As to this issue, can't do much without proof. Fairly sure you can record on vent, so if you're able to do that, then do so and we can talk about punishing someone. Until then, everyone's SOL and it sounds like this'll be more stupid for TTT as it goes on.


  2. There's just a few problems with ideas we've considered before, but don't really wanna do.

    Me and klark have gone through the server before and cleared it of plugins, mods and bad maps and stuff that may have caused changes or errors on the server. We can't find anything wrong and it's honestly pretty clean. What it really is is the box itself, from what klark told me. It only has so much power, and since it runs with that many people, it tends to lag once it hits over 40+ people. The ironic thing is that the previous box we had ZE on ran about 44 people before and I never had any hard lag when it was, so I have NFC why it's like this now.

    The only real solution that I could see to POSSIBLY take some stress off would be to divide the server into two and essentially copy it over, however I don't think that'd be good cause we'd end up with a split group of people and a whole new server which would more than likely take people away from the original. I really don't want to do this as is, but I've been trying to find ways to fix it, no luck.

    I could go over it again with klark, but I doubt we'll find anything. If you guys have any ideas or info as to what could be causing it to spike so badly, I would like to hear and I could work on it a little with centran and klark, but right now I can't make any promises about what's going on with the lag.

  3. imo, there is not much left to do here since mafia is banned from the forums


    I'll agree with this. If blob has taken shit off so that people can't make it crappy now, then we'll let this go for now.

    Keep an eye out though. If people are doing dumb shit, report it please.


  4. If you really wanted to, you could just rotate admin around to other staff..

    Not when various ones want to abuse it to the point where people just get annoyed. I understand a round of fuck around stuff, but if it's constant, that's when it gets stupid. Like in JB, it's cool to have a fuck around round or a fail round from CT's, but when it's consistent, no one has fun in the end.

    I think what this calls for is a fix on the spawning of stuff if it's really this serious.

  5. We also get millions of Christian help organizations which provide aid worldwide. You can't define christains by the worst of us, it's just unfair. And none of these bad things are mentioned in the bible, or at least not directly referred to. All of the things that you listed are the product of humans making inferances about something which the bible didn't cover or using religion as an excuse to get something.

    Think about it though. Who presses the most against gay rights? The church. What do you have to be to run for office? A Christian (most of the time). What group contributes heavily on the influence of family/people? The church.

    I get they do good stuff, but unless you're starving or straight, they kinda have an agenda going nationwide of their own against certain rights people should have, but they just seem disgusted over doing cause it's not the "correct way" that is apparently needed.

  6. You know, if you guys are honestly going to have shit go down this seriously on GMod yet again, we may as well shut it down cause it's getting retarded that everytime we get a Gmod server, people moan and groan or take things out far too seriously.

    blob and Mitch: I want to know how much detail you guys need or what your reasoning behind solely kicking someone or banning someone instantly if they say traitor one time (assuming this is the case). Seriously, I don't want another mass case of admin abuse going down cause I WILL talk to klark and make him mod the commands so people don't FUBAR the server over again due to the abuse, cause I damn well know I was part of that and Mitch turned me off to Gmod the first time.

    Explanations: Go.

  7. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't believe in God. Where do you guys suppose you go after you die? Just into the abyss? Hell? And if you say you don't care if you go to Hell, you're sadly mistaken. It's purely beneficial to believe, otherwise you're screwed. Now I'm not trying to preach here, I'm just perplexed.

    Until I hear some testimony from someone's who's been to either, I don't have much to worry about. Let Karma handle the rest: Just do good and be good and you probably won't get screwed in the long run.

  8. Herp Derp contacted me, and requested admin removed for two weeks to 'rethink actions'. So, he'll be taking it from here. Herp, I'm only wanting to see it given back IF YOU ASK ME, so don't ask Lopez or anyone else.

    And Lopez, if you're reading this, don't give it back to him if he asks. Herp, if you get one case of admin abuse when you do get it back, it's gone and you're not buying/getting it ever again.


  9. Lol, I have tons of evidence that I would not like to disclose about him at this time, but I told him he fucks up one more time and 5+ detailed demos and many screen shots of hard evidence of His immaturity and abuse will be released.

    Post. I have no issue with evidence coming up if it's an issue. Just make a valid complaint and make sure it's within a good time duration. Meaning, if it was bad, I don't want this to be a demo from two weeks ago.

  10. Moon, considering when in the past I've told you to do stuff, and 80% of the time you either A) whine, B) don't listen or C) do more of what you're doing, I can't take this seriously. Considering what I saw in the other thread, it just makes the case stronger.

    Stick it out. I've done this before and gagged you and you've dodged it, so you pushed your luck a bit too far. Next time you want to be ungagged, open your team chat, start your message with @ and type to the admins. Dodging isn't going to help you. It's a gag for a reason: To punish. It's just moreso a punishment on a server where you have to type to get benefits.

    Edit: Also, if they were being disrespectful, you need proof of it and you can make a complaint.


  11. Noob admins need to stop abusing and shit like this wouldn't happen. People wouldn't need to take time out of their day to deal with useless complaints that involve useless admins banning people for no fucking reason.

    This is ironic considering when people do do something, you still complain.

    But yeah, we'll need screenies and/or people to come in here to explain their side for you if you have witnesses.

  12. Let me guess this guy's advice:

    Don't let your money see the light of day.

    Invest in something universally valued, like gold.

    Pay me money for my shitty scam ideas.

    *tries to close the tab to get redirected to the full page script that I can quickly scroll through.*

    What he says:

    Don't let your money see the light of day.

    Invest in gold and silver

    Pay me $50 a year for my shitty scam ideas.

    Who would have guessed it?

    Now, can we pleased get this dunderfuck of a moron Nuclear_Ash banned for spamming us with such a scam?

    Bernie Madoff scandal, v2 in the making.

    Nuclear, you can't take things like this too seriously. People can bullshit a lot of stuff and I can't see much of what he says to be viable. Sad thing is there's a lot of ignorant people that'd probably believe him.

  13. i agree voteban that fool fuck dust 2 thats the worst and most over played map ever

    oh and Oracion remakes are usually better then the original so add some remakes just be careful on the dust 2 remakes please

    I'm not much of a fan of remakes. The only reason I put Dust2Night in is because it was easier on the eyes and doesn't blind you when you load up.

    Past that, I've had to remove almost all the maps cause no one likes them. I'd like to put up a few more maps like crackhouse (although they'll be slightly bigger) cause they're fast paced and fun IMO.

  14. You guys do understand that it's a trick, but that you really shouldn't be surprised. Look at the redundancy of it. When he TYPES go in chat. Obviously if he's typing it, it'll be in chat. And we've been through this far before. If you aren't listening, then that's your own problem. Look at the example that Ivanns gave and you'll understand how it goes.

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