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Posts posted by Oracion

  1. My idea is its fucking failbreak, the cts are suppose to watch the t's and shit and not rebel, the fucking rules are geared toward the T's rebelling anyway, jesus fucktard christ, how much diarrhea of a bottom feeding trashbag coke head hooker did your snort to even conceive this shit. So much fail, just epic tardness for a retardedly fucked up concept ruined by rampaging nerds who's e-peens only poke up at the sight of a cheeseburger. Now I'm just sad.

    Something tells me there is anger here.

    But yeah, I think the above should be put in just to spare time/give a warning to people who are holding the game up. I get that rebelling and all is part of the game, but at the same time, we shouldn't be holding the game up for 30+ people who are watching one T hide.

  2. I think this rule will be like this, just so it's outlined.

    - If you are hiding when LR is announced and decline a pardon to compete, you must attempt to kill CT's. If you are camping and holding the game up, admins have permission to out you to speed the rounds up.

    Not really much different from what goes on now really.

  3. I probably shouldn't geocache then. I'll put a beer in my cache, I guess. Does that work?

    It really comes down to the phrase "one man's trash, is another man's treasure". Some COULD be cool if you really want it, but a lot of it seems like shit you need to be a packrat to get.

    If you want to look at it in a different light, you could make fun of it by getting the app, then finding it as your own personal sense of achievement. Chances of finding useful stuff might be a bit low, but I would tell you to give it a shot at the least.

  4. Cool idea. Not that fun in practice.

    I think it's some of the stuff that's there to find that's a bit odd. Kinda turns me off to it. Not that I'm expecting people to throw down rings or something for me to find, but I really don't want to find your old ass shirt that no one would buy at your garage sale.

  5. Downloaded the app, but I never really have tried it yet. Mostly cause I have no real time, but it does seem fun.

    Though I dunno why someone wants to hide tupperware as a 'treasure' from some things I've seen.

  6. There's a point between fucking around and annoying that our community doesn't seem to get. Should there be some leeway? Yeah. But when it's getting retarded that's when things become bad.

    Problem is many don't know where to draw the line at.

  7. Mickey's. You're about to get your appeal closed if you're not going to be mature about it. I can view the demo when I get home but if you make one more quip during your appeal, I'm just going to close it. Don't test me.

  8. I am just going to say this... It has pretty much always been the case that the burden of proof rest with the accuser. Since proving your innocence here is damn near impossible.

    So I don't see the purpose of reopening the thread, unless Iraling has some type of proof to justify his ban.

    Also, "OH they sit together and giggle at each other in private channel" isn't proof.

    He requested to have it reopen. Considering this thread had the lifespan of about 33 minutes before it got closed and done, I see it as fair. Let him post his peace, if it doesn't add anything or change anything, nothing can be done, but he can have a fair word in what's going on. Not like the ruling got reversed, so...

  9. I think what I'll do is this.

    I'll remove assault, but leave on crackhouse. My reasoning is because Crackhouse at least lets the CT's attack from multiple angles, whereas on Assault they only have about 3 or 4 very tight areas they can enter through and it's easier to kill T's with crit nades and other shit on crackhouse. Assault it's a lot tougher.

    If there's an issue with crackhouse, we'll address that another time.


  10. I look at it this way. There are many maps where the T's can just camp hard and not worry about much. They can abuse the most used skills, namely chain lightning and healing, because they're in such close proximity. I say if the T's are able to just simply camp and spam skills, this shouldn't be an issue either.

    I'm more curious why assault is back on anyway. I took it off cause it's basically THE camp map and pretty queer as is for Warcraft mod.

  11. Tubbles. Two things.

    1. If the warden pardons them, they can come out. That didn't change.

    2. This rule focuses on speeding the game up if The T is just not Being found and obviously not coming out. Basically, if you're the last hiding T, cause some mayhem.

  12. Obviously this is going to be a decent issue since we have a good split of people who want to see it in. The people who stated a reason for a rule change kinda agree with it, but not to a full extent. Kinda a 50/50 as to what it should be so this would take some thought.

  13. Oracion your proposal of this rule has been met with hostility, I don't think people want this.

    Of course not, cause it'd probably lower the T ratio of wins from 90%+ to 80%+. I think people are misunderstanding though the point of this idea, but they do have the choice.

    I don't mean that you should NEVER EVER have to slay a T, I'm just saying don't put anything in the MOTD allowing for the T to be slayed at admin discretion.

    You can tell them to move, beacon them, ghost, tell them to move, whatever. In the end if the T is still camping and is raping the CT's, he should be slayed.

    I may have expressed my opinion too aggressive because I strongly recommend T's shouldn't be slayed. I am sorry. I only mean to get my point across.

    The point isn't to get them slayed ASAP, it's to just get them to move so the round doesn't add an additional five minutes. They get a warning, a second warning then if they refuse to move and try to speed it up, then they get slayed. Not sure why everyone is now assuming it's insta-slay, though on JB it wouldn't surprise me.

    Edit: Also, the vote is 6 yes, 9 no. This isn't exactly clear cut, Zach.

  14. The second you let them be slayed, the game is ruined.

    Again, this kinda goes with Oreo logic. You don't mind ghosting, beaconing, etc, but telling them to move = bad? I'm not following this logic you guys are presenting. They'd only get slayed if they really refused to move, and even then the T's have more than enough advantages on many maps. I see no logic behind saying "We can do all this, but slay = bad".

  15. You never slay a T, it's not like they freekill, or any of the bullshit. All of a sudden we are able to slay T's for camping, our server will have a lot less players.

    I would stop playing JB if T's were able to be slayed, that's just complete bullshit.

    CT stays somewhere and doesn't move = slay.

    T stays somewhere and and doesn't move and camps entire game = alive. Wut?

    Again, to say for the third time, the main idea behind this rule is just to move the game along. Besides, I don't see this gamebreaking things, unless you want me to just get a huge group of people that don't even play the mod, and redo the rules. This is simply for a time fix.

  16. @Oracion; The lego vent system isn't that hard to cut off. Just watch the entrance to pool and door to disco and you're good. Oh and 99% of the time CT's never get into position like they used to, now it's just open the door while running to your position. Tends to leave 5-10 seconds to get to a vent.

    Admin will step in and either rape the T or he'll come out after a minute or two. T's are stupid to do that anyway, they would want LR which the CT would then give them just to end the round. It's not hard to kill rebellers Oracion.

    The lego vent is just an example. JB maps have a LOT of gay spots that you really can't approach too easily, and personally I've seen T's camp, and camp and camp it out constantly. Which is why I just thought of this suggestion. Also I'm not talking about when the CT's fuck up and don't get in position, I'm talking about all the guns/paths are are default in cells. Look at Siberia and tell me you don't get advantages on some maps.

    And if you're fine with admin raping the T, why are you against this being in? Makes no sense.

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