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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Rules are if someone asks you to stop playing the music ya gotta stop.


    I'm not going out of my way to type something when just so you can stroke that ego you paid for.


    !stopurl I have it copied just so I can paste it the moment someone does it.

  2. Iron Man skin is going to and has caused a bunch of RDM already, I seriously had someone kill me for "walking over an un-ID'd body" even though you can't even tell if they're ID'd or not unless you seriously inspect every single body on the map at all times... Their excuse was that they checked out the body and realized it wasn't ID'd after they looked at it.





    I don't understand how that makes a difference. Do regular bodies look different when they are unIDed? Or is the new skin making it harder to walk by and tell without getting real close to it?

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