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Lesbian Dad

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Posts posted by Lesbian Dad

  1. after the second half i wondered how the Skins could screw up so badly. it was 14/13 Skins and then their quarter back "threw to Moss" and then they intercepted it for TD. Moss was no where near the ball. Kickoff to Skins, few plays, interception, SCORE.

    the Skins EFFED this game up so badly. What happened! I thought they had it. I blame their QB, he should be fired for throwing retarded passes and making terrible pass decisions and runs.

  2. honestly, the only reason i can think of that people buy admin is so that they fulfill the requests of "give me money!" "teleport me!" and the occasional fun of "make me a timebomb!" and "slap me up there!"

    i bought it on surf cause there were a bunch of douches at the time (spammers and hackers) and got angry enough to get it on zombie for the same reason.

    there are too many admins as it is on the zombie server and i think that their powers need to be reevaluated like for ex. downgrading all the admins to regular admin cause really, SA dont need to be teleporting other around a map, our sole purpose is to regulate the server and make sure everyone is having a fun, fair time.

    i won't say that i havent abused because we have and will at some point but i must agree with Zan and Oreo, it is time we took into consideration who really deserves to have their admin powers.

  3. I was in there! lol

    maybe i'll try to tell you guys next time i film so if you wanna be in it, you can.

    if i can remember, Rickjames, Masterzan, Blue balls, Jemima and a few other regulars were in the video.

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