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Master Chadron

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Posts posted by Master Chadron

  1. Personally, I like Mufasa better because he has sent me 2 pics of his ass - one from afar to get a general feel of how its proportioned to the rest of his body, and one spread pic so i could really see the details. Overall it was pretty clean for a mexican with a little dirt here and there around the rim, but I liked it.


    J mafia hasn't sent me any ass pics and there aren't any good ones on facebook so I don't have any opinion of him

  2. It's been made clear that using the Archmage to camp areas with transparent textures to gain an unfair advantage are not allowed, such as:









    But what about hiding in areas that are very obscure but strategic, without clipping through textures or seeing through the geometry?










    And what about areas that allow you to only see through textures outside of the map, giving no advantage through the geometry?










    I've gotten mixed answers from different admins as to whether the above areas are allowed or not, so I thought I'd make a thread and get a concrete answer.

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