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Posts posted by Moist

  1. Crying it is too strong on 1 map of the entire server shouldn't lead to putting a limit on the race. By that argument I demand a player cap of 1 human alliance and 1 human general because fuck their short ass CDs on their teleport.


    you really need to calm down, it's a suggestion and i don't know why you came in here so heated

  2. the orcish horde spam is getting ridiculous on small maps such as office, it's extremely easy to go from full hp to none through only chain lightning spam.


    currently there are 11 people playing orcish horde on a server of 27. i believe there should be a certain limit to the people who can play orcish horde, because between the chain lightning and crit nade spam, office isn't fun to play anymore.

  3. whats wrong with some weed and dirt? 

    Perfectly healthy thing to smoke.


    I'm just saying she said it's "months of weed and dirt," which would mean she doesn't clean her desk out for months at a time, and it took her even months to notice this weed and dirtt??????????????????????????

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