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Posts posted by Bonghit.Bulletsponge

  1. The textures are probably specific to DX9+ so unless Yiyas can find some substitute I doubt he can fix it.

    I use DX8 every so often for a couple reasons - first, when too many people get on the server and shit starts flying around and laser beams and shit, my computer chokes. Furthermore, ATI cards happen to be missing a certain 16-bit texture dithering feature, which means all the dust on all the maps looks quite solid (like pillars). It's *really* bad on Westwood, means I can't see across even a third of the map, and on maps with skylights like Nuke. DX8 helps a bit with that.

    No issue with my 5770, might be time for an upgrade.

  2. Dude, haha I am fucking stupid. I paid 160 for a 1/2 oz. I don't know why I didn't catch it til now. Durrrr

    Well I'm pretty disappointed no one has posted their own pics of what their tokin. Postem mutha schnuckas

    You also said a sativa dominant hybrid was "as kush as it gets"

  3. honestly, naruto was sorta ok. It was only ok in comparison to bleach, which as it went on got worse and worse(i do believe its nearly to the point there have been more filler than actually anime plot episodes:/).

    Not really a fan of either at this point, but at least bleach fillers follow a cohesive storyline. Naruto fillers are just random episodes, most of them aren't even in the shippuden timeline.. Bleach has filler arcs, naruto has hundreds of filler episodes that share nothing but characters.

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