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Posts posted by Bonghit.Bulletsponge

  1. On Bonghit.Bulletsponge of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank Bonghit.Bulletsponge for

    the donation of $25.00 that was recently made. This money will be put to good use in keeping our

    servers and website fun and online!


    Syndicate Gamers

    **This post made semi-automatically under the donator's user name so thanks to this user may be made**

  2. i agree that he gets a little aboose happy on occasion, but all I see here is "Listen to the warden" followed by a kick, followed by the same message, followed by a 10 minute ban. What's the problem? It's 10 minutes.

  3. ^lol that's what baby dicks say.

    Dude I think you might have it twisted. With the average depth of the vaginal canal being between 5 and 6 inches, anything more is a waste. At 7 I slam into cervix on the reg and it can be painful if it happens at the wrong angle. . . for both parties.

  4. Wow. . . that average size distribution map makes me feel so much better about myself. . . I was unaware the "average" scale only went up to 7.05 inches.

  5. what was it's rules befor ? people keep saying that a grenade race still has to follow the nade spamming rule, which why would it it's a nade race

    At one point there was no rule against it, but then after much whining and bitching it was decided that the forbidden couldn't hit someone with another 'nade if they were still on fire from the first one. If I'm not mistaken this is where the 30 second time on the 'nade spamming rule on both servers originated.

  6. lol the fact that they are working on this "project" means that they are indeed wasting time and NOT writing the new one lol

    What new one? GT was shit. It doesn't need to be continued.

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