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Posts posted by Kai!

  1. I'm not talking on behalf of staff. so what I say holds no real water. just more so as how things have been in the past.

    Oh i know. of course my statement wasn't directed to you in that manner. but who else am i going to have an intellectual conversation with?

  2. You do know that if it did come back. you would not be in the group of people who would view the FFA. if it did come back you would have to be a dedicated member of level 3 or higher.then again thats not just you thats any non member of level 3 status or higher.


    If part of the reason why FFA was removed was to get rid of the majority of trolling that take place, who were being trolled?

    Does Foh trolling wookie counts? how about project posting u mad / "racial" images toward beefwipe?

    Obviously, they aren't going to take this to heart. But giving access to tards just because they got voted into the clan by other tards would just lead to more QQ.

    So why would you suggest bringing back FFA for only those above L2. Even if it were to be a clan only privilege, going to a L3+ only system is just plain stupid. Then what was the point that Staff tried to make?

  3. Well, if you read he did say "The SoapBox IS the FFA, just minus trolling and one word pointless racism posts."

    Which leads me to wonder what was really 'lost' outside of some immaturity.

    You misunderstand what you partially approved in the creation of the Soapbox

    The Soapbox is not FFA without trolling and one word racism post

    The Soapbox is A Restricted "The Pub"

    The only thing that make this special is that restricted in Access. Other than that, anything and everything in rules/guideline applies.

    Is it really that hard to comprehend what the Soapbox is?

    ---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

    going off of Fohacidal's nascar:

    Its like "Hey lets remove nascar and from now on, you guys can race on this private street. But watch out, there are cops and cameras around so you can't go over the speed limit

  4. Well its not really a surprise

    First we got to look at the following

    1) Chokehold

    2) Money

    3) Intelligence level of majority of staff

    This really gone to shit when that TXI guy started asking for affiliation

    but having a soapbox is another troll by staff just like when coinstar tried to do things on his own with crack girl and her cousin

    Lets replace a almost rules-free forum with a renamed pub

    Its not like I care at all for FFA but replacing it with the pub-like forum, its adding insult to injury to those that enjoyed FFA for whatever reason. The soapbox should not have happen if FFA was to be removed. Even I say that this was a dick move despite coinstar the staff having ultimate control over anything.

  5. probably not for money reason /sarcasm

    Well its not like they save the money. It all pretty much leaves the paypal account one way or another whether it is used to pay for something or not.

    Whether it be buying games and shit servers for bc2 on impulse to getting another box because there was a $400+ surplus in just one month

    I doubt all of this was to piss off the community that a % of subscribers cancel since doing so will surely put the money situation in the negative with this newly added box

  6. No

    Pretty much only ex-staff has enough pull to get pushed to any rank without any requirements because the only thing rank is for is pretty much to give out free admin

  7. Aww, is Grim Reaper really that OP?

    I ran out of stuff to level and was tempted to test it.

    ---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------

    And private races haven't been balanced in the first place?

    and I hate Respawning races

    and that suicide needs to stop taking away hlx points :P

  8. Everyone involved in glitching the limit should be slayed. That is if they aren't resolving it themselves. Being ignorant of a portion of your screen is no excuse to stay on the race.

    We have the option of forcing players into spectator when this happens but choose not to use it.

    Of course, you can still request an admin to ask the higher level to switch off but I, personally, will still slay everyone involved.

  9. well i got all the races, except the first 4, limited to 1 per team on wcs2. Haven't heard of any complaints

    it was mainly so that if there was a specific op race at any given time, it would only stay at 1 per team. it was to encourage team play and counter play so players don't have to worry about 2 of anything.

    I will say that it will be annoying limiting races to 1 per team on newly released races because it will take a while to get on that race but then again there are only a handful of people past a certain point in levels.

    Anyways, Jihad needs 300 hp, ulti immunity immunity and more speed

  10. Well to tell you the truth, there is not a need for more people on staff. The amount of people currently is enough

    Promoting more people is simply pointless because there is nothing for them to do by the current staff's standard

  11. I have already warned and muted you

    Every time you play your music, someone tells you to stop

    If you heard the person that asked you for the name of the song, why didn't you hear the people that told you to stop playing your music?

  12. stop giving yourself levels

    and put your bros tag back on


    and tell me when you play dota. i want to get better


    I'm pretty sure i had over 4K in levels before October of last year, so :P to you

    Bros is lame

    all about DDU now, rocking the #1 spot :D

    and how am i suppose to tell you when I play dota?

    And being affiliated with sG in any way does not make a difference when receiving access

  13. WCS1 is just a clusterfuck of retards

    I do not intend to offend anyone with a brain but if you just take a step back and look at all the people that plays there, would you not agree that the majority of people talking just plain out spam shit music, shit talk while being racist, or getting people to voteban someone? So when ghoul is smarter than half of the population of the server, its not hard to get at least 10 people to voteban someone.

    If this was back in September when i last played consistently, I would be saying that it wasn't ghoul's fault for initiating a voteban because people are smart enough. But i can't say that now because I know I would be lying

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