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Posts posted by Ichalvl

  1. I'm going to remove all of the credits from whoever is doing this


    That would be Countersniper thus far, though ever round he would consistently say "All CT's are now accepting bribes". Me, British, Pope, and a few others never bribed people.

  2. I couldn't agree more with this, especially considering I came here with the intentions to make this same post...It's becoming very consistent seeing CT's post things like that, and I even encountered one a few minutes ago who said, "Mass freekill for 100 credits." This is stupid, and either a note in the shop or the MOTD stating this is a punishable offence, should be made.


    Check out Mr. British's thread as well, he offers some more valid points and overall explains it better than I did. Probably because he's british.

  3. I've been playing JB a lot in the past week or so and just about every round Countersniper or someone else will offer to "freekill any T" for x amount of credits. Earlier today, IHerdCows and XMen told him he'd be restricted if he did, so now people will do stuff like "will sell any LR for credits", "will play any game for credits", etc etc. It's really starting to be annoying, as just about every round someone'll gift the warden 20 or so credits and we'll do the same damn game, and overall I feel it isn't fair.


    Basically, can we make it so credits are purely for gifting to others, there are no / cannot be any strings attached.


    I really love the shop but I'd hate to see it leave because of so many people abusing it.


    Just my two cents.



    Check out Mr British's thread too, he has more valid points on the topic. http://www.joinsg.net/topic/54573-jb-bribes/

  4. if these two continue to hack, ill pm drunk about it.

    dont want to witch-hunt, but I dont want them to be allowed to hack and not get punished for it,

    if i log on next time and see them hacking ill report.


    By telling us on the forums there's a hacker instead of confronting him in-game or PMing him, you're essentially starting a witch hunt.

  5. Then you shouldn't have picked such a stupidly spelled name.


     I'm at the point where so many places I use this name I can't change them all. And besides, what the fuck should I change it to?

  6. You people are so self absorbed you actually think this matters


    It is in the "spam" category after all.


    But really I don't think it matters, rather I just find it annoying being asked every other round how to pronounce my name.

  7. The whole time I've ever used this name, people have a ~10% ratio of getting it right the first time.


    So, other people who always have people mispronounce the names, this is your time to shine.


    Just kidding, because everyone else's name is super fucking easy to pronounce. 


    But not mine.


    So, here's how to pronounce it.


    Starts off with "each", then "ah", then "level"


    So, you get "eachahlevel"


    Which is my name, "Ichalvl"


    Yes, in case you were wondering, it's spelled like this..


    i - c - h - a - L - V - L


    People sometimes think it's "LCHALVL". No, it's fucking not.


    So yeah, if anyone else ever has qualms as to people never fucking pronouncing their name right, post here bitches.

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