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Posts posted by Ichalvl

  1. On the repeat on order thing. Its not that they arent normally clear. Its all the fucking CT's that talk over. If we could get a plugin that mutes everyone but the first guy to type in warden then we could get rid of the non wardens typing in wardens first and the no clear orders at the beginning of the map. >_> 2 birds one stone?


    First: What happened to your brick profile picture?


    Second: I HATE servers that use things like !w or "type warden in chat" since everyone just binds it. It would make warden whoring even worse. I still wish the "repeat order at least once if the T's ask" rule would be implemented, because there is no line between "clear" and "not clear". 

  2. Just bought it. Watch out for Grabsack Turncock, expert Rogue


    EDIT: Too long. Just Moflstomp.mp3 :'(


    There's a glitch in which you can get infinite characters to use on your player name. Press CTRL+Backspace really fast and in quick succession... After a while just hit back until the text area is clear then you can have an infinite name.


    This worked in the closed alpha (that I was luckily part of) but I am not sure if it works any more.

  3. When I started playing, I just grabbed a gun and prayed for the best. I stuck near Eddy, Xlite, and the other people I knew and got some kills with assistance from them... 


    I don't know if there's a real "strategy" for new people, minus playing when the server is a little less populated. It's easier to learn the game when you don't have 4 people wanting your head at all times.


    Edit: Also, welcome to CS:GO and the sG forums! Might wanna make an intro thread, tell them about how you like WC3 and stuff. They might recognize you and help you out in-game :)

  4. Member                  Action(s) Performed


    Sketchmaticx          Edited Member 'Ichalvl' account



    You should buy sketch a game from the summer sale for the hard work he did!


    If you consider adding a crude penis to a picture in MS paint hard work, I want to be your graphic designer.

  5. Not really complaining, though I actually looked at my signature today and realized the first image has a penis on her 




    Zoom in on her chest.


    Also, in the word part, got changed too, as it most definitely wasn't "cock rider 2" before.


    I have yet to find anything edited in the second image.


    No but really, I don't have a picture backed for the first image. Whoever changed it, you got a backup of it?


    Besides all that, thanks for making me laugh at 2am. I think I'll keep it.



  6. Who was the admin that started the vote?


    If my memory serves me correctly, isn't Waffles an admin? I thought he is, so I would guess him.

  7. So.. I'm level 2.. and wtf I cannot level up for the life of me. Everything kills me. I get like 1-2 mobs per respawn lol.


    Anyone got a server going?


    If you want some levels, join cw1.gcg.io b/c there's a LOT of people running dungeons and stuff. You'll damn near instantly be leveled to ~50 or even up to the thousands if there's the neighborhood hacker on.

  8. This was great. I'd really love to do something like this some time, the results are always superb. 


    Definitely, my favorite part was when they all hid in the same cell until they zerg rushed the guard.

  9. jb_spy_vs_spy_beta_v1-2-3

    Server: sG | Jailbreak (CS:GO)


    Link: http://csgo.gamebanana.com/maps/172561


    Pretty much the quintessential small jail for Jailbreak in CS:GO. The layout is simple yet functional, each minigame is entertaining and unique to the map, and the vents are well-made.


    This might be a bit on the small side for the normal playercount, but the map performs fine even with over 30+ players on at once. It is a highly enjoyable map, and I strongly recommend its addition to your already great repertoire of maps.



    Oh god, I know the creator of this map. So many secrets. I recommend adding this!

  10. Why the fuck would you apologise for you being you. Despite how much your tone pisses me off thats nothing to be sorry for. I cant stand motherfuckers like you who think you have to conform to how other people think


    I'd rather be liked by people than be hated by everyone. 

  11. "Gee the complaint against me is that I post too much. I better fix that by making another post."


    There's no winning with me, is there?


    the kiss of death


    Hmm? Don't know this injoke.




    If I were you, I would wait at least another month before applying AND consider adding another QUALITY posts.


    But thanks for writing that and apologizing.


    adding another quality posts? Like, 100 more quality posts?


    you take shit too seriously


    don't be in a rush to fit in, settle in at a steady pace. 


    I wasn't really giving a shit at first, so no I'm not taking shit too seriously but instead am simply trying to take shit... seriously.


    lol why even


    say l8r 2 the h8rs


    I like you guys too much to turn into Kgame.

  12. The most annoying thing about you is that it's perfectly obvious you're capable of acting like a normal chill person, but you blow a tiny bit of constructive criticism out of proportion and feel inclined to purposefully act like an obnoxious cunt.  Stop digging your own fucking grave, and stop trying to sound witty or clever.  You just look like an ass.


    I think the person that made me / makes me sound like that is KGame, the award goes to him. I get twitchy around people I really fucking hate. Most of you guys, though, are all chill as well.

  13. I expect a post from Hurf in a couple days either saying he "has no regrets starting this trend" or something like that.


    And yes I am just posting in this thread because I have been made out to formerly do so, and I don't want to stop a tradition now do I?

  14. huh, that's strange



    Eww, syndicate orange.


    Wait, is that the one about the signature? I remember you sending me that, though I guess I somehow deleted it since I mainly browse on my phone, but using desktop so I misclick a buncha shit.


    I never got a PM from you about post whoring.




    This is the PM you sent me. 

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