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Posts posted by Tristan.

  1. I agree that 15 minutes to rtv is a bit too long and doesn't attack the problem at the source. But saying that snipe rtving isnt a problem is just not true. After playing plenty of servers i've been rtved off of a long map multiple times. Sure mabye this could be implemented for a server under a certain population or another method of making it a bit fairer. But to outright deny that it is an issue and blame it on "Shit climbers" is just ridiculous. I can beat maps almost as fast as you and have been KZing for quite some time now so im not just some "MAD NERD" with a skill problem.



    Also server got hotfixed to 5 minutes

  2. I would also like a bhop server, but it would get my point across better if i memed it:



    CSS bhop will always be superior to CSGO bhop because of the speed cap and acceleration issues. But a KZ server with a few BHOP maps would be gr8. A timer plugin with record times and bot replays of the top times. Also im sure the same plugin has a rank system and we could do something with that.

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