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Posts posted by Illogical

  1. Well, it's not a bad idea to look at things from a positive perspective once in a while. I mean he's not all bad. If you think about it, being a negative nancy all the time won't really get any of us anywhere.

    and you can't transfer that same attitude over to vexer because.......?

  2. Dogs brought something interesting to my attention in vex's app.


    My question here is why don't we have the janitor project anymore? I mean this is syndicate gamers, not a corporation hiring full time employees. The way I see it, if the bulk of the active community doesn't want someone to remain in the group any longer, they should be removed. However, I don't think it should be up to any one staff or member, but more less the entire community voting. Implicating a strike system would also be a good addition to this and used at the staff's discretion, or even when enough VIP/VET/LEG members think something should be done. If the shit member in question gets three strikes, he/she will get a community vote on whether they should remain in the clan or not. If the community votes in favor of the user in question remaining in the clan, the user could get strikes removed (staff discretion). If the community votes against the user in question, the user would be stripped of their title and position in the group, and may or may not be able to re-apply after a certain amount of time (again, staff discretion)

    People, keep in mind this is the faggot that voted yes on hufs app. 

  3. As soon as they have Linux dedicated support, we can try it out.  We are not going to use wine to run a server, just isn't going to happen.


    The Dev did say he was working on them, so we can all hope he gets it done soon!

    I expect him to. this kid is banging out patch updates like a mad man. 

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