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Posts posted by Polis

  1. Nah, you remember when if you wanted to make a call away from home you needed a quarter? Now those were the days.

    Payphones now cost two quarters in Regina :(.

  2. God, I have wanted to comment on this thread for so long. Is it just me, or does it seem like most of the people defending ghoul in this thread can't spell, punctuate or even write coherent sentences? It seems like they all came off the same short bus.

  3. Holy crap that is fucked up. At age 12 being gay. That to me is very odd.

    I guess it would depend upon your stance on the whether homosexuality is born of nature or nurture. Children often experiment sexually at young ages. If you are born a homosexual, it would stand to reason that you might try your hand at experimenting with other young boys.

  4. On being a friend and having free time in a hectic world

    He is a nice guy with lots of friends (Ultaponch, wookie, Foh ect. All stand up guys who contribute a lot to the community. In fact, these guys are all paragons of the sG community. I could not say enough about how cool and fabulous these guys are.) They say you can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps and these guys are all the bee's knees. He is a doctor and from this I would garner that he is a pretty busy guy. However, you can always find him in vent or playing BC2 which is pretty cool. I can only hope that when I am an established individual like him, I have the time to commit 6+ hours a day to cruising the forums and just generally enjoying myself online. I like to assume the best about Chosenone, so I have mentally pictured him to have a greased, rippling, muscular body. I like to think that this physique has been attained through the art of push-ups during commercial breaks.

    On being a generally knowledgeable guy

    As well all know (even though it has been mentioned in only three posts now), Chosenone has 4 degrees. These degrees are varying which kind of makes him like a modern renaissance man. He is a compusocialdoctor. A god damn polymath people. If we could all be like him, the world would be a better place. Chosenone also gives very knowledgeable and scientifically backed advice. If you ever need physical fitness information, he is your man. His advice ranges far and wide. His mind is a veritable library of fitness information, so make use of it people!

    Overall, Chosenone is a great guy and I hope to see 500,000 of his spawn running around here and there someday. Mankind will be lesser as a whole if he does not propagate.

  5. It's all that protein you eat. The best is when you are in the gym and you let a rank one go when no one is around. There always seems to be someone that immediately comes over and starts working out on something next to you, like they are a fart seeking human missile. Never fails.

  6. Dont worry guys, I fell for it too. I was all like SHIT and put my cards into defense mode.

    The best comedy is the kind derived from real life. You just know this guy plays Yugioh.

  7. lol

    How about I show you my dick on tinychat. Then you'll know I'm black.

    obtw......... umad?

    What a lying sack of crap. We all know you are a black man with a white man's penis.

  8. It doesn't happen all that often but it is an instant kill pretty much. It would be nice if it lasted for maybe half a second or something instead of the 2 or 3 it feels like it lasts now. It is still extremely disorientating to not be able to move your mouse for half a second.

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