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Posts posted by Anzhi.

  1. okay so lets start from the beginning, it was on the map ttt_clue_pak and it was the very first round and i immediately go to the upstairs bathroom where you can hold the door closed while being afk, but then the round starts and i realize im a traitor so i come back from being afk and i buy a c4 and proceed to plant it but then i hear the door open behind me and i see that trexx is in the same room as me, i proceed to kill him and i didnt hear him say anything, i didnt even see his mic move but apparently from the demo he shouted no, i didnt id his body and i put it in the corner of the room and proceeded to be afk until i hear Jessie call me out and thats when i call her out on her ghosting with her friends and then tell tubbles in teamspeak that their is no way she knew, and thats when tubbles looks over the demo and finds enough proof for a ban request. i do have the logs of me killing trexx if that helps. 

    p.s. im not good at these posting picture things so yeah. 1xLd6Pg.jpg

  2. i didnt even get to say goodbye. :( 
    anyways ill miss you and you calling me taco and a bean and all your mexican slurs.
    good luck in the future, man. hope to hear from you sometime soon. 

  3. stab, i dont see why you are complaining about me, i never used this racial slur as offensive nor did i ever spam it, i used it in an explanation that you didnt show in your evidence and the other time i was telling you that from what staff tell me, that this is allowed in admin chat, now after you complained and said to stop i never spammed it or said it in admin chat. 

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