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Posts posted by BananaPeelz

  1. Why the fuck do they have seat belts there not in the drone  they are sitting stationary on the ground and i kinda feel bad for the guy without a hand. 

    does be some comfy looking chairs guy on the left looks like he pressed the wrong button on the joy stick, guy leaning  in is like kid just fucked. 

    There is minute maid juice box and it looks like a big ass can of sun maid raisins and what looks like more juice boxes to the right and the guy on the left is eating Quiznos 


    Someone hasn't watched Arrested Development. Also following your train of thought is near impossible without the aid of drugs. Might want to touch up on those grammar skills.

  2. I'm not saying games are more important than school. I did quite well throughout high school and I have self control. I just hate the fact that I cannot play the games I want to. Unwinding after a stressful day with games has helped me a lot in the past, and you have a lot more down time in college. Studying, obviously, eats much of that time. But I'm not worried, I'm diabetic so drinking/partying isn't something I'm interested in. I love working out (although I look quite small) and swimming. As long as I have a place to eat, sleep, study, I'm happy. Playing games is just a reward to myself for going through all the stress of the work needed.

    My laptop would stay in a dorm. It will *not* leave it unless I go home. I'm not going to "play CS:GO in the library". An old fashioned notebook would be all I'll need for school, if anything was needed more, I'd get a tablet, no worries. I have scholarship money I've been saving and I work full time as a head lifeguard at my pool. My school also gave me enough money that I won't need to worry about student loans or anything else. I'm just confused as to why everybody is bent on freaking a shit and getting on my case. 

    Because as you said your laptop would never leave your room nullifying the need for a gaming laptop. It would be much smarter, in terms of gaming power and money, to just get a desktop and a cheap very portable laptop/tablet for school. Not sure why you're so bent on getting a laptop that can run games if you don't even need the portability.

  3. Jesus Christ you may as well get a desktop and it'll have the same portability. If you're going to get a laptop don't get one that weighs 10 pounds, it completely defeats the purpose. There's no point in paying that much for a laptop, only to have it be a pain in the ass when you have to lug it around.

  4. Cuz on the bank transaction thing it says Valve, so it has to have passed through steam atleast.

    That just means someone could have gotten your credit card information and used it to purchase a Steam game, which is really dumb and they'll probably get caught. Either way you probably want to cancel that card.

  5. I dunno man... I think you expected too much, I expected the Joffrey not to happen in the finale because it wouldn't make much sense for the production to do that right after the red wedding. 

    After such a big event like the red wedding the TV watchers need some time to settle down. Huge events don't happen every episode, the plot needs some buildup before it can launch into new things. That's what the finale was, it set the show up for season 4 and what went down in the second half of A Storm of Swords.

  6. Season 3 is first half of book 3, season 4 is the other half. I haven't read the books but that's the general knowledge I got. So spoilers are likely to be forgotten.

    Basically this. The season finale set up for the fourth season, which still has a lot to go through in terms of The South/King's Landing, Essos, and The Wall.

  7. No way! 'Bama is good, yes, but the pro game is such a higher pace and more physical game than in college.

    Basically this. Pro teams, even the worst ones, consist of the best college players who have matured and grown as players. Even the rules are more strict in the pros. It's a faster and harder-hitting game, so I don't think 'Bama could win.

  8. Pork sausage with gravy (biscuits and gravy)

    Gonna have to agree with Foh on this one, cheese tortellini is fuckin tasty. But the pasta marinara was also pretty legit.

  9. So do survivalist nut jobs.

    Went backpacking for about a week during spring break and my friend brought a load of MREs that he took from his wacko brother (kid was one of those doomsday prepper people, really weird). Most of them were actually kinda tasty. Apparently the MREs back when my dad was in the army tasted like complete shit, so luckily they've made them better.

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