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Posts posted by Knox

  1. I have noticed this shit happening aswell, especially with grenades.


    I completely forgot to mention this in my original post. I don't understand why admins think it's funny to give T's SMOKE GRENADES upon round start.

    At the same time, paidmins can't give out weapons incognito. Whenever I give someone or everyone weapons, it clearly messages the server "Name gave x to y". Only SOs (I think) and staff can do stealth commands.

    That's something that I'm glad about but THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT NAME.

    This is something that I noticed, and it has to be one of the either Paid admins or one of our ranked admins, since SO's and staff do not receive the weapons when doing so. The issue is that it does not show who gives what, which is fine, but it should still be shown to SO's and staff at least.

    I'm just glad I wasn't the only one who has noticed this happening.

    I don't see the problem if it happens once, and someone should definetely say something about it if it happens every round, but other than that..I don't really see a problem with it.

    That's what I was really trying to say, but I didn't want to be an asshole about it haha.

    i still have the bind for giving Ts awps with 0 bullets and it was for the blur issue around 2 months ago but it seems like the issue has been fixed awhile ago, time to change that bind to rocket @all

    See I can understand if you had a bind for something that needed a fix every round when it was a problem, that isn't a bad thing at all.

    I concur awps should be the only thing being given and I think the blurry issue isn't even a thing anymore.

    Yes, I agree. I just wanted to see the gun's being given less per map haha.

    Falco is SO and have give weapons before

    the point is that there has always been fun things to JB here at sG


    all ts are blind

    Ghost days

    fly days

    and I can go on

    many staff from the old days did the same Marvin Blob Mitch Lopze and many other

    can not see any problem

    Having fun was not what I'm trying to ruin. I can tell you're having a hard time understanding what I mean though, here's a breakdown:

    1. Quit giving T's empty guns consecutive rounds

    2. Thats about it

    3. ????

    4. Profit


    boop boop ass radar

    EDIT: As far as it being a joke and it being "funny", I can understand that, because it is at first! Yet, after consecutive rounds dealing with the question of guns being empty or not, it gets old.

  2. So over the past few days I've been noticing more and more admins(whether it's paid admin or not, i'm not sure who gets what commands) giving out guns to Terrorists upon round start.

    Now, I know it doesn't seem like a big thing (AND THAT I HAVEN'T BEEN AROUND LONG) but figuring out if a terrorist has a loaded gun and is able to rebel or not with it because of an admin using a command to give guns out to people seems a bit silly. I went over the rules and found nothing that is directly limiting the admins to do this, but trying to have a successful day while being warden with fake guns in circulation is reeeeeeeeeeeeeally dumb.

    Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, it really isn't that big of a deal, but I'd like to see it happen a lot less. It's happened way too many times in the past few days for me not to ask about.



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