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Posts posted by Litus

  1. Every single one of these clarification threads has been cancerous. Everything is explained in the rules, seriously. Calling a T by name and telling them to do something is a direct order, but it still needs the suffix, "No detours no delays."



    h. The warden must specify that the Ts cannot detour or delay when giving any command. (Including freeze and direct orders)

    EDIT: This, of course, applies to the CTs as well. How retarded would the gametype have to be for any other player on the CT team having more power than the warden?


    i dont think it does, camelfun found the part that clarified this issue.


    I disagree.

    The rule states "the warden must" and not "All CTs must".

    That either excludes the rest of the CT team from having to add it to the single command they are allowed to give, or leaves room for misinterpretation. While personally I'd say it regardless, if the purpose of this is rule clarification then the rule is not clear.

  2. We're talking about large groups of individuals, but referring to them in a way that suggests the decisions and actions that they make are entirely unanimous. Which is why you can not, in my opinion, claim that there is a "side" that you support without hatred and generalization. No matter how you word it, or which 'side' you're talking about, geo-cultural differences do not change that the Palestinian and Israeli people are all human and there is not a reasonable justification for indiscriminately killing masses of human beings.

    To put my statement in to perspective; if we estimate the strength of an extremist group such as Al-qaeda as being 100,000, it is still a significantly small amount of the 1.5+ billion followers of Islam. A single individual, or the entire strength of Al-qaeda, may repeatedly attack another culture and that wouldn't be reasonable justification for an attempt to indiscriminately murder every follower of Islamic teachings with the intent of cutting down on Al-qaeda's numbers. If one small dog is biting a larger dog, that doesn't justify going in to the kennel to cut each and every small dog throat.

    The interesting facet of this entire exchange has been the impressive anti self propelled munitions system that has allowed Israel to endure a barrage of rockets for an extended period of time. It has been fortunate for the individuals of Israel, to be protected by the small number of Palestinians that have been instigating. Unfortunately for the Palestinians who want nothing more than to wake up in the morning, there is no such system to intercept Israeli missiles. This, predictably, has resulted in the deaths of large amounts of uninvolved civilian human individuals of all ages. If Israel was lacking their "Iron Dome" system, then there would have been deaths of large amounts of uninvolved civilian human individuals of all ages. I find it hard to respect any person who attributes a child or any non-combatant as being a part of a "side" that deserved a randomized death.

    Although I would say, having heard via word of mouth the Israeli military justification that the guerilla troops in the Gaza strip are too embedded and experienced for an assault by ground; if you can't take the heat then stay the fuck out of the kitchen and find a peaceful resolution.


    Just take a screw driver and touch the pins you would plug that switch into. Now you have a powered on computer and don't need to worry about the power switch.

    I've used a powerclip as a ghetto jumper with a caseless setup. I rarely ever powered it down. <.<

  4. If you upload a full picture (reasonably clear) I can circle the pins for you, but it's a double row of about 8 pins in total. They should actually be labelled in small white writing on your motherboard, but it's possible they aren't.

    One is powerswitch, one is hard drive activity light, one is your power light, one is your annoying as sin speaker that I usually leave disconnected. If you want the general location of the pins, while your case is standing up they would be near the right/bottom edge.

    The powercords to the front of your panel are for fans/led lights.

    Edit: OH! I misunderstood and see that you did show the pins. My mistake. Truly the only one (Power switch) you need you already have. Are you certain the computer doesn't run without your LED lights? My suggestion would be to either play around with them or to go to the manufacturer website and download the manual. I'll find you a suggestion for a cheap PCI-e card.

    EditEdit: Resolving/resolved over steam

  5. Fuck, there were more than 180 dutch people on that flight. My old dutch teacher was on that flight and she is dead now. This shit is so fucked up!

    I'm sorry to hear that you knew a person on the flight, that's an awful realization to have.

    If anyone has an interest in the /SA-17 (Buk M1) system that was used. Here's a link. It's a shame they 'acquired' that kind of capability, as the portable SAM system that had used previously in the region had an operating range well under 5km. (Which is about half of what a commercial airliner would have been flying at)

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