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Posts posted by AnarchyX6942

  1. Maybe its because it takes me like 5 days to get through a pack, but I've never had a problem quitting cold turkey. I usually only smoke when I'm working so when I have a strech of a few days without one I just go without.

  2. Anyone have a suggestion for one? I'm buying one for the first time and have no clue as where to begin? I mean the only name I can throw out is SoundBlaster, but I don't even know how good they are.

  3. Pass. One of the biggest reasons I like playing 1 over 2 is that it takes so much less time to level a race. Sure it may be spiffy for players that can play hours everyday to have more challenge, but for people who can only pick up an hour or so a week this is going to be a real killer. If you're looking for slow leveling, head to #2.

  4. I could never justify putting something like that on any car. Unless its a professional race car you take out to the track and compete with, its just a waste of money. Sure it might make your e-peen feel bigger but to me its just seems to be a sinkhole of money. I mean is it really worth it to get that little bit of speed you get over stock if all your doing is trying to show off to your girlfriend?

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