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Posts posted by TimeToDie

  1. $$$

    Lol, I have a job but I still need money. Can anyone help pay my bills ??? :P

    How bad do you really need money? Don't you live with your rents and get free food?

  2. I just went to OBX two weeks ago for the weekend. Stayed at milepost 8 (best for bars), its ok. Poor people and college kids vacation there, Middleclass goes to Myrtle Beach and people of wealth go to Florida. So I hope you are not counting on his rents to buy you stuff :P

  3. No matter what you do, someone will always be unhappy. I mean look at WCS half the server hates half of the races while the other half loves them. Either way you are fucked Mitch, I say do nothing, leave it be.

  4. RPG's leech was buffed, which is good, but I noticed a couple things - the leech echo shows up on the opponent's screen (i.e. when RPG hits you, you see how much he leeches), which let me discover the second point - it leeches more HP than it deals? An RPG shot me in the chest with an awp, did 110 damage, but leeched 180. Earlier someone on Wizard said that 56 damage to the wiz translated to over 200 HP leeched for the RPG. That's completely ridiculous, and doesn't seem like it's coded correctly. Might want to look into it.

    Reallly? Thats not good ... Yiyas!!! *Shakes fist in anger*

  5. He just really got his feelings hurt when he scored the lowest on the SO survey. He really thought everyone loved him and was heartbroken when he found out different and lost SO. Its a sad result, you guys shouldn’t of been so harsh on his SO results and maybe he still would be here ;P

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