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Posts posted by TimeToDie

  1. I would be the one random white kid in the sea of Africans. Granted I would be armed, concealed, but god damn it would be hard not to steal, TVs, ps3, xbox360s, pharmacy items, GAMES, COMPUTERs. I just don’t think I could resist, I mean someone else is going to take it anyway, why not it be me? Greedy I know. But come on, something like that, rules are out the window. I might even just beat someone up running with stuff I want, so that way I stopped a crook, feel better about myself, didn’t rob a store, but kept a thief’s winnings for my involvement, pretty much like getting some of my taxes back for law in forcemeat that was MIA

  2. Well for about 4 years now I have been using www.joinuv.com to visit the forums. Well a few days ago www.joinuv.com stopped working, and for two days I have thought the forums where just offline. The lastpost I read on the forums was Jason saying the forums are going offline while he does some work. I also forgot Jason said joinuv.com will stop working in the next month, so I had to search for you guys today on Google, that’s how bad I am.

  3. I think the server finally died. Wcs1 is at 32/32 and for the first time wcs2 is at 0 population in the midle of the day. NOT GOOD, WTF CAN WE DO TO FIX THIS?!?!?

  4. fuck, beefwipe was sandman? Somehow I had no idea. I remember sandman. That was like three years ago.

    Hah hell yeah dude. You can only tell if he talks on mic, and Justice Im glad you stuck around too bro. We got many more good times to come.

  5. I played the BETA for almost 6 months and never bought it afterwards I just went back to DOTA. HoN is 100times better than LoL, so if you don't have it, download it. I will be when I get home from work today since its free. Play with me :PP

  6. The reason we kept Climb for so long was due to its low maintenance. We didn’t have to do anything to the server, once it was set up and the maps were added we never had to touch it again. When it first started up it was full 90% of the time, after we switched IPs we thought it might get its population back but since most of the players were not sG members we lost them in transaction. It still had 5-10 people sometimes play on it but that soon died off too due to lack of maps. Scouts and Knifes has and always will be a dying cause, its fun for a week or two but its gets OLD after awhile. The population on that server was never were it should be so we had to have something take its place. And the numbers don’t lie, the DR server is doing 100% better, for now ...

  7. You got that cheap. I sold my to a pawn shop for 125, and they were selling it for 300 bucks lasttime I went back. Since its the firstgen and you can play PS2 games they are worth their weight in gold compair to the new ones.

  8. memories of times gone by...

    You fucking bastard, I use to shoot dope to this song. Now I want some, Ive been clean for a month... FUCK

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