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Posts posted by TimeToDie

  1. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Đδπқє @ Aug 6 2007, 07:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I know this isn't a democracy, but if I could vote, it would be for bios.

    He's the most active on the forums and shows the most leadership potential, IMO.

    If he would do half the job maintaining the servers as he does on the forums it would help greatly.

    I have already said this twice on the forums already ... I agree 100% .. Hes a good guy that doesnt stand for bullshit .... My Vote is YES

  2. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Poon @ Aug 4 2007, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Im glad your glad im here, because so am I, and I know I will be a great add to UV. Just because I dont want to donate 50$ doesnt meen I cant do other things for the community. and if know one believes me about getting a server for 50$ then here you go, I apologize for saying 6months I ment per month:


    I also cant afford it at the moment because of insurance payments, gas, and everyday bullshit.

    Trust me I understand ... Just Dont Bring People Down That Give Money By Saying you Can Get Your Own Server Blah Blah Blah ... Thanks ;P And Im Happy Your Here tongue.gif

  3. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (bacon333 @ Aug 4 2007, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I have to say boris, I'm laughing at you... you're a fucking idiot.

    Oh, and if gay porn is allowed on the UV servers... I guarantee it will be the start of the apocalypse.


  4. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Poon @ Aug 4 2007, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Yea I would pitch in 50$ but I only play on 1 of the servers, I know it helps the community but I believe the community cant just rely on donations.For that money I could get myself a server for 6 months including website. Im not trying to be harsh, its just realistic.

    Ha-Ha ... I Am Glad You Are In The Clan ... I Can See You Are Going To Be A Greay Add On To UV ... I Just Give 20 Bucks A Month ... Works For Me

  5. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (w33D.RoSs @ Aug 4 2007, 03:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    who gives a shit. were all a lil gay. a penis or two nev er killed anymone. i know sometimes i get turned on by a penis. its sexual. theres nnothing worng with being sexual. go into your thoughts. no one cares if your gay staight or bi. go with it.

    BTW not gay just saying explore you never know what you may like.......

    Thats how people turn gay ..... If your going into your thoughts and you think of penis ... well i dont even have to finish this ..... Do the math ... I Dont care if your gay/bi whatever .... I just really dont want to see it? Thats like me spraying stuff about the Bible ... Dont force things on people they dont want to see/do

  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (customx @ Aug 4 2007, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    TOPIC: Gay porn needs to be allowed

    Please take this into consideration

    "This thread is now a continuation of the gay porn topic that bios so callously locked. I think it should be allowed. If you arent old enough to view other peoples penises without disgust or, for some of you, longing, then you shouldnt be playing this game" -UV Longcat

    "...for the servers sake, for without him who would spray pictures of penisis under surgery, who would say funny shit on the mic..." -UV beserk

    The gay community is growing bigger and bigger by day. If the UV servers allow straight porn, gay porn should be allowed also. That is the same as discriminating against whites and blacks... not cool. One's sexuality shouldn't be not allowed in the UV servers. If you hate gay people or just can't stand it, here's a simple solution... don't look at it!!!

    For the record, I am not gay.

    Dude come on ... you want gay porn and your not gay? If I ever see anyone spray gay porn on the WC3 Server I will ask them never to do it again ... If they do, I will kick them, and if they still keep it up I will kick and ban for 30 mins ... Gay porn is not cool ... And don’t bring the race card into this ... Being Gay and Being White or Black Are WAYYYY Different ... If You Cant Understand That Your Dumb ... And Anyway If I Wanted To Look At A Cock I Would Look In My Own Pants ... I Don’t Want To See Someone Else’s ... And The Straight Porn Is Cool With Me ... I Like Pussy And Breasts ... But If Most Of The People On the Server Has a Problem With It ... I Will Ask The Person To Stop ... And I am Sure That 85% Of The People On WC3 Server WIll Have A Problem With Gay Porn ... So My VOTE/Answer To This Stupid Post Is NO

  7. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fps_bob @ Aug 3 2007, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Wow, that video Is fucked up. I never knew Spongebob could be so... Porntastic!

    Thats a nice Signature ... you need to help me out ... i need something cool like that for my Signature and Spray ;P

  8. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Atticus @ Aug 3 2007, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I don't even get why the fuck bios has all the powers whereas all the other jcs has shit, bios only goes on WC3 basically. Probably the only reason why is because bios is p2s butt buddy. Also i'm with zeus on P2 fucking up the clan a lot. Btw this clan will die in 1-4 weeks.

    And you should also go with Dogtown and Zues

  9. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE («Z£µ§.:GØû @ Aug 3 2007, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Second time he has left like this? No, this is the first time he has left like this. The first time he "left" was because he had his powers wrongfully removed, even after working his ass off to keep these clan forums in line. Well guess who his powers were given to? ArcDigital. Some fucktard who P2 had met THAT DAY, who promised he could make the forums better than ever, so to speak, and what did he do? He fucked everything over, and deleted our forum database. Well why didn't Dogtown give P2 the ones he had? Because P2 fucked him over.

    Anyway, after all this time, Dogtown is nice enough to come back and try to help us all out, after P2 begged him, and P2 stabbed him in the back, supposedly, again; wouldn't you be pissed? I would, and I'm sure all of you would be, so his actions aren't entirely out of the question, as that would have been a viable way to "get back at him" for what he did for the second time.

    This time, he's fed up with it.

    And with all due respect, P2 isn't really the leader you think he is. He has fucked up this clan many times throughout my time being here, and I'm sure its not the last time he does it either, and I'm sure it has happened many times in the past, BEFORE I was here, too.

    You all can't say this is a well oiled machine of a clan; why is that? Because trusted people either get screwed over, and you all can't stick to a plan, and do your jobs accordingly.

    I say you guys get it together, and P2, I say you give the people who are willing (not willing to pay) to help, enough power to help you. Otherwise, this clan will be dismal as it has almost always been. It may not die, but it will suffer; only if you guys don't get your acts together and work as a fucking team, and be respectful to each other (and I know quite a few people that just aren't up to that task, and suggest they be removed from the community until you get on your feet).

    Come on man ... Dogtown had a powertrip when he first came to the clan ... And if your so stuck on Dogtown and thinks hes such a great guy ... please leave with him

  10. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE («Z£µ§.:GØû @ Aug 3 2007, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Uh, Phoenix2, the only flame there is in the last one. Sorry to tell you.

    They may be antagonizing, but not derogatory in the least. If you're getting on him for antagonizing, you can also get on bios' ass as well, because thats all that was happening yesterday. As a matter of fact, I see him and other people do it quite often. Hell, even I do it.

    Also, Phoenix2, don't try to pass off all the blame on him. It takes two to tango, so you had to have had some part in this whole thing. As far as I'm concerned, and anyone who knows what he has done for us is concerned, it might just be your fault this all happened.

    Ha-Ha ... God Dude ... (EDIT:FLAME) .. Point the finger all the time ....

  11. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (RedDingo @ Aug 3 2007, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Fox...yesterday he was walling and i got a demo...it's not very good because hes good at toggling..but there was a hand full of people who was saying he was hacking so I perma banned him. If this was the wrong move I am sorry and please take the ban off, but I assure you he was hacking...hes just good at hiding it.

    I didnt think we where suppose to perma ban? I thought only JC's was suppose too? If I ban (which has been 1 so far) it was for 30 mins ... Should I ban longer?

  12. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Atticus @ Aug 2 2007, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Hah i give the guy props for being the only person who has the balls to spam racist comments, I don't care if hes being racist cause he never made fun of asian peoples ^^

    Booo ... You Suck ... Get off the posts .... Spaming Anything is not cool

    EDIT: STOP GIVING WAFFLE SHIT! He has the right to his opinion. No matter how retarded it sounds.

  13. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (xseekx @ Aug 1 2007, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Moses you are an idiot; anyone who gets more kills than you is hacking, anyone who kills you is hacking, anyone who comes up with a good strat for a race is whoring and deserves a ban.

    Drink some bleach?

    Hahah ..... Sorry Moses ... I would have to Agree ... You Do Kinda Bitch A lot .. But if someones talking shit to you .. and your an admin .. just mute the person? solves this problem

  14. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE («Z£µ§.:GØû @ Aug 1 2007, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I can't be sure, you're right, but that was a joke, and I've heard from a few people that voted for that want me here. Look at Longcat. He wants me here, but he said (in a previous vote) if he would have noticed that, he would have. Just as I assume many would have taken it.

    Suppose I should redo the vote, just yes and no?

    Sounds like a good idea to me ... I dont know why most people wouldnt want you here? Unless your a dickhead ... But I can be a dickhead 86% of the time and people love me ... so you must have some problems you need to work on ? People skills maybe?

  15. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE («Z£µ§.:GØû @ Aug 1 2007, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Too bad option 3 is also a yes, dork. If it would have been just yes and no, more would be voting yes.

    Humm ... how can you be so sure they where voting yes? that could go either way ... no or yes ... and if they want to "put it in your mouth" then i dont think you like you that much ... unless you give a good bj

  16. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Loading... @ Jul 31 2007, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    ok so theres 3 teams so far you project and the non uv team ...who wants to be the non uv leader?

    Please let it be waffle so i can shoot him in the face ... over and over again

  17. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Yiyas @ Jul 30 2007, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    A lot of people's names barely fit the limit with =(UV)= alone... and then there's [A] and |SA| ...

    Well lets do something ... Are we going to do one for WC3 and Zombie or put them together ... i dont know anyone on zombie since thats a noobie server ;P hah

  18. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Atticus @ Aug 1 2007, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Ponch if you get admin on wc3 mute sizzler for me, if it's on zombie mute longcat and kick him for the hell of it for me biggrin.gif

    Man i hate you waffle ... if you ever come on the WC3 server and fuck up ... I will slap you with 0 dmg again and again and again untill you make that crunch sound ... and then my day will be happy !

    Love TimeToDie

  19. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Atticus @ Jul 31 2007, 10:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Damnit you bastards have to say "Penguins>George" to join T_T and no fetus, george is still mad at me for my banning incident so whywould i want to get back in the clan. I mean if he lets me in sure, but i don't want to get in while hes mad.

    I will not be in your shitty movie and i hope you are never able to get back in UV ... Your a shitty person/player

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